Which Josh Dun quote are you?

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Which quote from Josh Dun are you?

Aries: "Where's my bag? Oh there it is *picks up Tyler*"

Taurus: "Tyler said if we ever won an award I'd have to speak more into a microphone on stage... I chose the drums so I would never have to speak into a microphone on stage, but here we are now"

Gemini: "Never roll a tyre down a hill if there's a cow standing behind you wearing rubber boots, that's been very important in my life, just to pass that on to you"

Cancer: "Adopt me"

Leo: "I didn't choose Taco Bell, Taco Bell chose me"

Virgo: "Somebody once told me they liked my outfit, so I haven't changed in 2 years"

Libra: "I've seen every movie except Titanic, well I've seen the nude scene..."

Scorpio: "Cereal inspires us to make music"

Sagittarius: "There's an infestation in my minds imagination this is so so choking the basement can't rap"

Capricorn: "I got abducted by aliens"

Aquarius: "For Halloween I'm gonna be a backpack"

Pisces: "Just screamed full volume and ran full speed in public from a bee, I don't even care"

My god the song Champion is freaking awesome, it's made me cry twice and the video of llamas on skateboards with Pete was awesome! What did you guys think? :D

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