Which Patrick Stump quote are you?

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Which Patrick Stump quote are you?

Aries: "Tattoos are cool. I probably won't ever get any..."

Taurus: "Did my sass miss you? I need better aim"

Gemini: "Uh... Uh... I swear I'm smart... I wear glasses! Uh... Wait... Uh... Spider man! Spider man? The answer's Spider man isn't it?"

Cancer: "I'm a vampire. So I don't age. Except I chew vegetables instead of suck blood"

Leo: "I don't ship anything. Except when I have to send packages through the mail. Now, please stop asking about fanfic"

Virgo: "My adorableness is a ruse to get you guys to trust me. Then... Then I release the mosquitoes"

Libra: "Pete! Listen here pencil neck!"

Scorpio: "Everyday you gotta wake up and be yourself, even if you suck, especially if you suck, because no one sucks like you suck"

Sagittarius: "When you have a bad day, a really bad day, try and treat the world better than it treated you"

Capricorn: "Thanks Pete"

Aquarius: "Hi I'm Patrick Stump and I'm wearing Pete's pants"

Pisces: "As a kid I was so good at sports that I started a band"

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