Which Mikey Way quote are you?

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Mikey Way may be a man of few words but when he does have something to say it can be absolutely hilarious, so which Mikey Way quote are you?

Aries: "There's less violence in the world when people are using hula hoops"

Taurus: "Arts and crafts, I love arts and crafts, building things, putting things together, I like decorating my home, I'm like a yuppie"

Gemini: "I could eat my body weight in sushi"

Cancer: "There's this big misconception with our band, that we're in the back lighting things on fire, sacrificing virgins"

Leo: "Me and Pete Wentz aren't dating. We're both heterosexual males... sort of... maybe... ummm..."

Virgo: "My best high school memory was when I graduated 'cos I didn't have to go back!"

Libra: "Everyone expects us to be assholes nowadays. I think we've let them down. We're regular dudes and dorky kids. Success doesn't mean you have to change"

Scorpio: "This band is metal in that we have a lot of metal in our instruments, and there's quite a lot of metal on my belt buckle as well"

Sagittarius: "Kung Fu grip, as you can see, I've used my judo on Gerard"

Capricorn: "I'm lame"

Aquarius: "He's wearing a sombrero right? He's wearing a sombrero!"

Pisces: Ray: Bark at the Dog Mikey... Mikey: "Woof, Woof, Woof?..."

Who here ships Petekey? Well, if you do please check out my Petekey fanfic, I'd really appreciate it (God look at me with my shameless self advertising!)

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