What amazing thing will happen to you at a concert?

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What amazing thing will happen to you at a concert?

Aries: You'll crowd surf

Taurus: You'll catch the water bottle that a band member has drunk from

Gemini: You'll high five a band member

Cancer: For once you had enough money to buy a ton of merchandise

Leo: You'll met the band afterwards in a dimly lit alleyway so you'll get shitty lit photos but who cares?

Virgo: You'll catch a guitar pick that was tossed into the crowd

Libra: You'll give a band member a gift and they'll thank you over social media

Scorpio: A band member will acknowledge you by pointing or winking at directly you

Sagittarius: You won't die in a mosh pit

Capricorn: For once the band will play your favourite song that they don't usually play

Aquarius: You'll make a friend for life in the queue since you would have been there since 6am

Pisces: Get a backflip caught on video

Have any of these things happened to you? Also I'm out camping and managed to start a camp fire with some flint, pray that I don't become an arsonist because it was awesome XD

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