1-Panda Onesies

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I didn't know what to think when I opened the door to my new apartment. Forget thinking, I didn't even know where to look.

I had just unlocked and opened the door. Someone in a panda onesie jumped off the couch. Looking closer I realized that it was a guy. Another person in a onesie started dancing in front of a TV. The song "Panda" by Desiigner was blaring through the speakers. I looked to my right to see a shirtless hottie watching the Pandas jump around.

"Uh..." I didn't know what else to say.

The shirtless guy's head snapped over to me. His expression was grim and his stare was cold.

Don't look at his abs, Jasper. Don't you dare.

My eyes moved to his perfect torso. I could fell his gaze burning into me, but I couldn't stop looking. YOU IDIOT! I FREAKING TOLD YOU NOT TO!

I quickly tore my gaze away from his abs and to the wall. The guys in the onesies took off their hoods and muted the TV. They walked over to me and squatted down to my height.

"Are you Jasper?" The blonde one asked me.

I nodded.

They stepped away to let me get through the door. I used my hands to push the wheels on my wheelchair forward.

"These are your roommates?"My stepdad, Hunter, asked carrying my bags. I had a suitcase, one giant duffel bag, and one backpack.

"I think so," I responded.

"Don't try anything with her," he warned the guys.

The pandas nodded and saluted him.

"Now, where did you guys get those?" Hunter squealed, pointing to their onesies.

I groaned,"Hunter."

"Fine," he sighed.

"Bye, Jasper. I love you sweetheart," he said backing out of the apartment.

"Love you too," I waved.

He shut the door.

I turned back to the guys. Shirtless guy wasn't in the room anymore, but the pandas were still there. They took a seat on the floor criss-cross applesauce and rested their head in their hands.

"I'm Reese!" The blonde one introduced himself.

"Quinn and I freaking love your shirt," the brunette said, pointing to my Hakuna Matata tank top.

"Thank you," I responded smiling at them.

Quinn pointed behind him,"Elliot's in our room. He's the one with the abs that I'm totally  jealous about."

I couldn't help the small laugh that escaped my lips.

"So, you're okay living with three guys?" Reese asked.

"I...I guess so. Besides I don't really have a choice. Something about you guys tells me I'll be fine," I told him just as Elliot walked out. Even if they heard the "no choice"part, they choose to ignore it.

"Elliot meet Jasper," Quinn just dragging him to the floor.

"You're a girl?" Elliot asked glaring at me.

"No, I'm a panda," I answered sarcastically.

He stood up and grabbed set of keys from the counter.

"Dude, where are you going?" Reese asked him. Elliot opened the front door.

"I need to get laid," he said and shut the door behind him. TMI... gross.

Quinn patted my head and hugged me. "We get to keep you!" He squealed with happiness. What am I, a pet?

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