37- It's only August

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"1...2...3!" Elliot counted off as we both unwrapped the bandages that were on our skin. 

We were both in our bedroom with our shirts off, but I still had my bra on. 

As soon as we saw each other's tattoos, we burst out laughing. 

"You got a unicorn, too?!" We shouted at the same time. 

Elliot had a unicorn on his bicep while my unicorn tattoo was on my hip. Our ring fingers' had each others names. 

Elliot's wrist had forever while mine had always. On my shoulder I had the words Hakuna Matata with a outline of Timon, Pumba, and Smiba walking on the tree. Elliot had gotten a tattoo of the letters J, E, and I, on his chest and over his heart. 

I reached out and traced the letters. The J was big with the E and I next to it and smaller. 

"I love you," I told him, looking into his eyes. 

"I love you, too," He said and pulled me against his chest. Our bare stomachs pressed against each other. 

I tilted my head up to meet his lips with mine.

"WAHHHHH!" Issac screeched from his crib. 

I stepped away from Elliot and walked into the next room to get Issac while slipping on a shirt. He was in his crib, screeching at the top of his lungs. I picked him up and checked his diaper. My face dropped as I headed over to the changing table. I sucked in a deep breath before opening his diaper. 

"Oh god, it's like someone dropped a stink bomb in here," Elliot complained, pinching his nose. 

I nodded, not wanting to speak since the poop fumes would invade my nose. After I was sure that Issac was clean and smelled like baby powder, I went to take out the trash and wash my hands. 

When I came back into the room, Issac and Elliot were sitting in the rocking chair. Issac was staring at Elliot's unicorn tattoo in awe. 

"My favorite boys in one place," I murmured and sat cross-legged on the floor. Elliot got off the chair and set Issac down on the playmat. Issac's neck muscles were getting stronger, but they weren't fully developed yet, hence the continuous playmat routine.

Elliot pulle me into his lap and planted a kiss on my head. 

"I love you, princess," He whispered. 

I cupped his face with my hands and leaned close enough that our noses touched. 

"I lov—" I said, but was cut off by Ever coming home from school. 

"DAD! JASPER! WE HAVE A PROBLEM!" She yelled, her footsteps getting louder. I got off of Elliot's lap just as the eight year old entered the room. 

"Stop yelling," Elliot told her. 

"Sorry," Ever apologized. 

"What's the problem?" I asked. 

"We have to plan out my Halloween costume!" She exclaimed. 

Elliot and I exchanged looks. 

"Ever," I started, slowly,"It's only August. Halloween is still two months away. It's too early to start with your costume."

Ever looked at me like I lost my mind. "It's never too early for Halloween stuff!"

I stared at her. She stared right back. 

"Actually, I think we should start planning for Christmas, New Years, Valentine's Day, St.Patrick's Day, Easter, Mother's Day, Father's Day, and the Fourth of July!" Ever listed. 

I groaned, "Ever, we can hold off for a couple weeks for your Halloween costume. You'll be too busy with school anyway. 3rd grade has a lot of homework and your basketball team is going to start playing again."

"Fine," Ever sighed. "Can I  have a snack?"

I stood up and took her into the kitchen. She sat on the bar stools that were against the counter and watched me look through the fridge. 

"Cheese and crackers?" I suggested, taking out the the tray of the different cheese slice.

"Sure," Ever replied. I grabbed the box of crackers and arranged them onto a plate. 

"Here," I said and set the cheese and crackers on the counter. 

Elliot entered the kitchen and kissed me on the lips. 

"Gross!" Ever groaned as Elliot kept kissing me. 

I pulled back, slightly, and chuckled. Elliot looked at Ever and smirked before planting a huge sloppy smooch on my lips. 

"You're going to have to get used to it, Ever," Elliot told the gagging 8 year old. "Escipally since we're going to kiss during the wedding in front of everyone."

I slapped Elliot's chest, lightly. 

"Stop it," I hissed. 

"It's true though," He defended himself. He dropped his voice to barely a whisper and put his lips near my ear. 

"I can't wait for the wedding night."


I had this thing planned out on how this chapter was going to be, but I kind of forgot it. 

I do have an interesting way that I'm going to end the story, though, so be on a lookout for that. 

Speaking of ending the story, it's going to end in 3 chapters, so that it hits 40 chapters. 

Q: If you could eat only 3 foods for the rest of your life, what would they be?

Chaat Masala, Cajun Wings, and pani puri

Thanks for reading :)

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