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I just wrote the last words to Empathy a few minutes ago and my heart is still racing. I sat there, watching the cursor blink in front of my eyes, the white arrow hovering over the publish button.

I didn't want to press it. I didn't want to publish an end to this story I have started almost two years ago, and at the same time I can't believe it took me so long to wrap it up.

I struggled. There were many days where I thought this wasn't good enough, that I was just losing precious time, that this wouldn't go anywhere. But I pushed through. And it didn't go very far, but I'm glad of where it is right now, and I believe this story is where it was meant to be.

Empathy has reached more than 90k views, 4k votes and 2k comments, and that is way beyond what I imagined it would get when I published the first chapter.

I hope you all enjoyed it, and I hope you will get something out of it. Thanks to each and everyone of you who voted, commented, supported actively or not. Know that I appreciate each of you.

That said... how about a sequel?

More on that soon.

Empathy [Josh Dun - Twenty One Pilots]Where stories live. Discover now