Chapter Twenty-Three

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We spend the rest of the day in Heather's room. I struggle to listen to lecture after lecture. If I were a Teacher, I would teach with Kali's style, not Heather's.

My mind keeps drifting back to the rebellious meeting. Who will be there? What will be discussed? Where will it be? Will they like me, accept me?  What question will Miranda ask me?

We eat Late Meal with the Heather's class. There is no flying food. Whispers are the only noise the kids make. I'm practically silent the whole time. Worry and doubt has crept up on me. So many things can go wrong tonight. The rebellious Officials' entire plan rests on my shoulders. I can't make a single mistake.

I try to distract myself. I focus on the little boy Josh, who is sitting right beside me. On the walk to the Eating Hall, he and Benson were messing around again, which got them sent to the end of the line. 

I listen in to Benson and Josh's conversation. Josh says, "Don't worry Benson. I finished your and my math during Teachings."

Benson asks, "How did you do mine?"

Josh responds, "I just..." He whispers something into Benson's ear. 

Benson says loudly, "You hacked it? I thought that's impossible."

“Sh. We can't let Heather hear."

Benson blushes, "Sorry, sorry. What are we going to do next? If we want Heather to quit this Pros, we are going to have to do more."

Josh begins whispering rapidly into Benson's ear. The two boys converse quietly together for the rest of Late Meal. I'm glad I'm not in Heather's position, right now.

After we finish eating, Charlotte says to me, "Sorry, Piper, but I've got to go meet with Miranda about something quick. You are going to have to stay with Heather until then, okay?"

I nod reluctantly. Charlotte smiles, "I'm going to go tell Heather then. Be right back."

She walks over to where Heather is sitting and begins explaining. I can't hear what Charlotte is saying, but Heather looks extremely annoyed. They must reach an agreement, because Charlotte comes back over to me.  She's resisting the urge to roll her eyes, "Right, I've got to go. Good luck."

She strides out of the Eating Hall. 

I watch as Charlotte disappears behind the doors.

Heather calls the attention of the class as, “Everybody, everybody, listen up. We are going back to the Teaching room now, okay? I want you to be silent as always.” She sends a meaningful look at Josh and Benson.

The kids stand in a straight line and Heather leads them out of the door. I trail behind the end of the line. Without Charlotte at my side, I feel like a ten year in Heather’s class.  Before too long, Josh and Benson are sent to the back of the line for whispering. They quickly stride back to the line and continue talking, their heads bent together. They must be plotting their latest plan against Heather.

We enter back into the teaching room. The kids silently take their seats and pull up their holograms. They immediately get to work, quickly and quietly. It reminds me so much of the Complex, too much of the Complex.

Heather walks up and down the aisles, just like the Officials did. It makes me shiver.

Benson raises his hand. Heather raises an eyebrow, “Yes, Benson? What do you need?”

Benson points to his hologram, “I have a question on this, could you help me?”

Heather walks over to Benson’s chair. As soon as Heather focus’ Benson’s hologram, the Josh begins typing furiously. After a minute or so, he sits back in his chair and observes his other classmates. A couple kids, maybe only ten or fifteen of the fifty, lean forward in their seats and begin reading intently. Most of them send a questioning look Josh’s way. Josh just smiles mysteriously and motions for them to read on.

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