Chapter Twenty-Eight

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My mouth drops open, “Miranda’s Complex roommate...never recovered?”

 “Sad, isn’t it?”

I can only nod.  What if Brinn, my Complex roommate, was insane? What if Brinn had to spend her days locked in a room to keep everyone safe and there was nothing I could do about it? It would be too horrible to stand.

Dana sighs, “We aren’t here, though, to discuss my offie problems. It’s yours I’m anxious about.”

I frown, “Anxious?”

Dana presses her lips together, “Well, if Miranda believes that…” She trails off to me.

I ask, “Believes what?”

Dana shakes her head, “Never mind. But, if Miranda thinks you are working with real Officials, as opposed to rogue Officials, they could have an Examination against you.”

“What's an Examination?” I question.

Dana gives me a weak smile, “Sorry, I keep on forgetting you’re a Rivie.  If someone here hurts another person or steals something, Miranda and the Councils will hold an Examination determining whether the person is really guilty, or how bad the punishment will be. Just because we are in the Unknown doesn’t mean that we don’t have any rules.  They might takes away certain things, or ban you from parts of the Unknown.  Or, if you are constantly hurting someone, they might even be forced to lock you in a room for a couple of months, or even years to keep others safe.”

My mouth drops open, “I had no idea…”

Dana smiles sadly, “This is the Unknown.  When the Officials find someone violent or with a lot of misbehavior in the Complex, they send the kids here, for us to deal with.”

My heart starts racing. What if Miranda used the ‘evidence’ that she found against me in an Examination? What would happen? 

Dana interrupts my thoughts, “I’m sorry, Piper, but I’ve got to go. J. just sent me a message saying I’m needed in the Kitchens. My advice to you, I guess, is just tread lightly.  Right now, it’s like you’re walking on thin, thin glass.  Either the glass will hold you, and you will be fine, or the glass will completely shatter and you will drop with it.”

Her words send a chill down my back.  I don’t have time to respond, Dana is already quickly walking away. 

I catch up to her and ask a sudden question that has popped into my mind, “Dana, why do you always act so…so dumb and giggly all the time? I know that’s not how you really are from living with you in the Complex…”

Pain fills Dana’s eyes. She purses her lips, “I…”

I can see the end of the Fields up ahead.  A voice calls out near to us. Dana flinches, “Another time, okay. I don’t want anyone to overhear…”

I nod, even though I want more than anything to know why.

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