Chapter 9

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"Little things like this are the memories I'll never forget."

Astrid's P.O.V

Want a recap of how my day went? For starters, it was a Monday, that should explain enough on its own. Aiden wasn't there, shocker. I ate in the bathroom. Harlow gave me a hard time about being immature in the art class, another shocker. And, as for getting home, you guessed it, the time was spent with Carter. I didn't go home. I went straight to his house. We were now sitting in front of a camera, about to record a video. You've probably seen many of these videos online already. It's the one where the guy does the girls' makeup, and it turns out awful, and they laugh about it in the end.

I turned to face the camera and dictate what was about to happen during the video once it began recording.

"Greetings, my name is Astrid. That is Carter. We are going to do the 'my boyfriend does my make-up tag'... except he's not my boyfriend..." I started. At that comment, Carter turned around to face the camera with make-up in his hands. I rarely ever wear make-up but, this sounds hilarious so, why not?

"Oh, I am her boyfriend. She's just lying, don't listen to her." He joked as he was saying that I rolled my eyes.

"No, he's not," I added.

"I don't know what any of this is for..." He stated while tossing around the numerous brushes and products. He gave me a confused look. I began to smile. I don't know why, probably for the simple fact that this was going to be hilarious. I quickly pulled my hair up into a messy bun and sat back in my chair.

"Are you ready?" He inquired while shooting me a creepy grin and raising an eyebrow.

"Ready for what? To laugh? Yes, Carter, I'm ready." I answered. He turned to the camera.

"I'm starting with this mysterious liquid labeled 'bronzer' which, I'm guessing you put all over your face..." He stated to the camera while putting some in his hand. My mouth immediately dropped. Oh god. I didn't know it would be this bad.

He smeared his hands all over my face; the cold cream met with my skin. I attempted to hold back a laugh, but I just couldn't. A few giggles escaped.

"Could you not?" He joked. "I'm creating a masterpiece here..." That killed me. A fit of laughter escaped this time.

"A masterpiece of what exactly, Carter?" I questioned. He ignored my question and continued pushing the bronzer all over my face. At least he has a future in becoming a make-up artist. Note the apparent sarcasm.

"Well, at least I'll look hot after this..." I teased.

"Yeah, you will." He went along with it.

"Yeah, this black mask you put on my face concurs as well," I mentioned. "In what world is this considered attractive?" I inquired. He took a few steps back to view what he had done. At one glance of the 'artwork,' he burst into a fit of laughter.

"Yeah, are you proud of this?" I asked while pointing to my face and raising one eyebrow. He quickly nodded before laughing some more. He went to go pick out the next thing.

"One more question, does this look anything close to my original skin color?" I asked. My face was darker than Snooki's from Jersey Shore. It looked hilarious since my skin is pretty light.

"You and your questions... You aren't allowed to criticize my art!" He continued.

"This is art?" I questioned. He put his finger to his lips and made an "Shh!" noise. I sat back in the chair and rolled my eyes.

"Don't you shush me, Daniels," I stated but, it only made him shush me once more. He quickly made his way to the camera.

"I'm going to do my girlfriend's eyes now." He stated, accenting on the word 'girlfriend.' I let out a sigh and rolled my eyes, which is something I tend to do a lot when I'm around him.

"I'm not his girlfriend," I told the camera once more.

"Whatever you say, Mrs. Daniels." He started. "Now shut your eyes." He commanded. I did as ordered.

"Everyone may not be able to see it, but I'm rolling my eyes," I announced.

"Yeah, of course, you are." He whispered.

"Tell the camera what you're doing," I ordered.

"I'm making her eyes all pretty." He stated. "This color will bring out her eyes." He continued. It wasn't always the most straightforward task to hold in a laugh around Carter, especially when this is happening.

"My eyes are green," I told the camera.

"Thanks, Captain Obvious."

"Do you see that, everyone? That's what I deal with daily. That sarcasm." I said to the camera. "Anyways, yes my eyes are green, what color are you putting on my eyes?" I inquired.

"Blue?" He stated but, it came out as more of a question.

"In what world will that work?"

"Won't it make your eyes pop? Because of the contrast?" He asked.

"No, have you seriously never watched any one of your previous girlfriends put on make-up before?" I answered.

"Oh, okay. I won't put blue then."

"You already put it on one eye." I pointed out.

"Well, I'll just switch colors for the next eye." He responded. I let out a tiny snicker.

"I'm going to look so great..." I mentioned with a laugh.

"Hey, you aren't supposed to be helping me..." He replied.

"Oh yeah."

"Yeah, shut up..." He teased.

"My guidance wouldn't help a lost cause..." I whispered.

"What was that?" He asked.

"Nothing," I answered.

"That's what I thought."

"Wait, I think the camera deserves a close up of this... masterpiece," I stated, not sure what to call what he put on my face.

"Wait, eyeliner needs to go on first." He stated.

"Oh, joy," I muttered. I had to try my best not to let out a giggle or move as he took the pencil and traced it along with my eye.


I put my face close to the camera.

"Here's your close up." I started. "Isn't this just a masterpiece?" I questioned. I backed up and took my seat next to Carter.

"I think they're all just jealous that I'm not there to do their make-up..." He stated.

"I'm pretty sure that's exactly what it is," I replied. The sarcasm was so obvious it was as if I was no longer speaking English, but the language of sarcasm.

"I think you're going to have to watch out for me, so many guys are going to hit on me when I look like this," I warned him. He tried to hold back a laugh at the sight of my face. I wore way too much bronzer. My eyes were of different colors. The eyeliner looked as if a four-year-old scribbled on my face with a crayon and, my lips were the brightest shade of pink you could find.

"Don't worry. I'll defend my girlfriend."

"We went over this. I'm not your girlfriend."


"No," I answered. Somehow, through the language of sarcasm, letting a boy put make-up on my face, and dealing with him for the night, I was so much happier. Most girls would be aggravated, but I seemed to enjoy that annoying boy who goes by the name of Carter. All of the girls at school may have liked him for his looks but, his personality was so much better than those stunning blue orbs or his numerous collection of beanies and converse.

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