Bonus content: She would marry me

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The long wedding day is drawing to a close and I stifle a yawn, as I'm mid-conversation with Max's mother. Abbs disappeared around ten minutes ago but I saw her sneak outside. I like being surrounded by people and watching my sister get married has been a wonderful experience.

I can only wonder if it will ever get to be Abbs and I holding soppy speeches surrounded by our loved ones. Honestly, even if I like the idea of marriage, I like the idea of her more because other than the piece of paper, we want the same future.

"Excuse me," I tell Max's mother as Max's father comes up to us.

I love Max's family for taking Sabrina in with open arms whenever she needs to escape our parents. I never knew how much a refuge like that could mean until the Clovers essentially adopted me.

I make my way through the room, sneaking another look at the loved up couple sitting practically on top of each other. I have endless teasing material for Sabrina when she returns from her honeymoon.

I step outside in to the fresh but chilled air, despite it being late April. Abbs is off to the side, quietly observing the stars. She's got that thought frown in-between her brows and for probably the millionth time I wonder what's on her mind. The good thing is now I can actually just go up to her and ask her.

I make my way up to her and first wrap my jacket and then my arms around her. Everything comes easy between us - the affection, the banter, and the love.

She gets very emotional during weddings but I can't really blame her. When Sabrina mentioned Bob, who couldn't be here today, I would have fallen through the floor if it hadn't been for Abbs' strong grip on my hand. She grounds me in a way I never knew I needed before I met her.

I can tell she's drawing a parallel between Sabrina and Max and her and I and I can see the wheels turning in her head. I don't want to pressure her into anything, least of all things a union that's supposed to represent our love.

But then she surprises me like she so often does.

"I'd like to marry you some day."

The words leave her lips so softly but I detect the affection and the trust. Yet, I feel compelled to ask for confirmation because I can hardly believe her words.

She's touching my face and looking up at me and I wonder if she's ever looked as beautiful as she does now in the soft moonlight while promising to marry me.

I need to double check; I need to be sure I haven't somehow tricked her into this. We're equals and partners and we need to be on the same page. I love her so much and I would never want to back her into a corner.

Hearing that she wants to spend her life with me will never get old.

The old nickname slip from my lips unconsciously but she smiles so brightly at the mention. I recall how she looked at Brighton Beach the first time I saw her. She was stunning then and made my jaw figuratively drop but holding her now in my arms, I realise that the past version of Abbs doesn't hold a candle to the girl in my arms.

Max spoke about moving past the stage of infatuation with Sabrina and how a relationship can be hard work but why it's so worth it. I couldn't agree more. Sure, it was wonderful to be all lovey-dovey and entangled in each other but it doesn't even compare to the strength of a partnership build on trust and love.

And one day, I'll get to marry her. When time is right, I'll ask her to officially become engaged but with this night and this conversation, I can't help but feel that we already did it and I couldn't be happier about that.


I had to stuff in another little bonus content just for the chance to write from Nate's point of view for a final time - *breathes deeply*. Just one more chapter to go, which will be posted next Saturday, and then it's the epilogue, which is going up on the 3 year anniversary of me posting this story. I hope you liked this little piece of bonus content.

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