Chapter 26: Nate's ex comes to town

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"Hey Abbs?" Nate asked as he we were lying leisurely on the sofa while watching Friends for the billionth time.

"Hmm?" I hummed, because I was so relaxed that I had actually started drifting off to sleep.

I heard Patch sigh and stir slightly at our feet. He loved down time with us and he seemed the most happy and content when both Nate and I were having quiet days at home. Not that I blamed him, they were some of my favourite too. While the amazing opportunities we both got was so exciting, this was our everyday life and my love for it made me happier than any crazy incredible opportunity.

"Do you mind if Tina stops by the flat next week?" Nate said causally, his fingers still playing with my hair gently as they had been for the last few minutes.

It was only late afternoon and I should not be this sleepy but I was just too content to care. However, the mention of her name did get me stirred up a bit. Tina was Nate's ex, though most of their relationship had been Twitter flirting and the one time they hooked-up at Playlist a few months before I met Nate.

"She's in London?" I asked, slightly confused.

"Yeah, some brand has flown her out here. She wants to hang out and film some videos," Nate continued. His voice was tentative almost as if he was testing the waters. Obviously, having an ex – no matter how insignificant – come home to your flat wasn't the best situation.

"Are you worried I'd be mad?" I asked with a chuckle at Nate's cautiousness.

"No," he mumbled. "Not really but you've never actually met Tina despite being at the same conventions multiple times."

Tina was a YouTuber too, a Beauty Guru specifically, and she's been just a small time YouTuber back in 2014.

"Well, I don't particularly get on with strangers. Never mind ones that you've slept with," I said in passing.

I turned my head to look at the actual blush on Nate's cheeks.

"You're adorable," I said and reached up to cup his cheeks with both of my hands.

Tina and Nate's previous relationship had come quite early in ours, by accident, and originally Nate had told me they only made out at Playlist. He later recanted on the remark and confessed that they actually had slept together. Maybe I should have been mad but in my eyes I had been an innocent lie of omission early in our relationship.

Nate's expression softened.

"You honestly don't mind?" he asked.

"You can film with whomever you want to. I don't control that. I know you're friends," I said. Nate was friends with so many YouTubers that I hardly could keep track. He loved meeting new people and learning about them.

According to Emma, Tina had been using Nate for his following, which had still been quite big back then, and it was huge compared to hers. Even if that was true, which I hoped it wasn't, Nate had never cared how many subscribers people had had. If they got on, and Nate got on with most people, he'd love to film with them.

"One things though, she's not allowed to the Does My Make-up tag. I lay claim as your actual girlfriend," I joked as the idea popped into my head. Nate had been keen on doing all the classic Girlfriend/Boyfriend tags when I became a YouTuber but so far he'd only talked me into one of them, the actual Girlfriend tag.

"You'd never want to do that video with me," Nate countered and pulled me closer to him.

"I know. I just don't want her to do it either. Though, I have to admit that it would be fun seeing you with a full face of make-up. I bet you'd look so damn pretty," I teased.

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