Bonus content: Dog training

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"I know you keep saying he's smart but he's sure taking long to understand giving paw," I say as I watch my girlfriend patiently ask for Patch's paw again. They've been at it for ten minutes already.

"He is smart," she says and shoots me a protective glare. However, the intimidating look is kind of undermined by the fact that she's in Winnie the Pooh pyjamas.

Patch barks and looks in my direction, his tongue flopping out the side of his mouth and he looks very much as if he's enjoying having Abbs' attention.

"We're just doing it slowly because I don't want him to get overexcited and turn into one of those dogs that smack you with a paw the moment they sit down. He needs to be gentle."

I don't say anything, I just watch carefully as she proceeds with the command and this time he does it to perfection, gently meeting her hand with his paw.

"I told you," Abbs mutters under her breath but all her attention is still on her dog.

Then she proceeds to ask him to sit, lie down, speak and roll over, all of which he does perfectly.

I clap my hands enthusiastically, even if it's also a bit sarcastic. In all honesty, I'm happy with the presence that Patch has brought to our little family. I never realised how lovely it was to come home to someone, who was always there and always happy to see you and someone to keep your company when your partner wasn't there.

Most of all, I love the effect he's had on Abbs. He's a very calming dog and I know she seeks him out when she's feeling anxious. When that little thought frown appears on her forehead or she's fidgeting with her fingers, she now calls him over and burrows her fingers in his fur and the crease evens out.

"Want to go for a walk?" she asks Patch, who's on his feet in a split second, wagging his tail excitedly. "Join us?"

I nod and go to fetch his lead and our coats. I should probably be working - no make that a definitely - but I've found myself always wanting to join Abbs on walks with Patch when I can. It's so lovely just to take a break and get some fresh air.

Abbs is also much calmer bumping into viewers when we have Patch with us. He steps in front of her instantly, sniffing at the strangers that approach us and it's only if they're calm that he'll even let them near Abbs. One time, a girl was so overly excited and screamed loudly and Patch growled deeply making her shut up very effectively.

We apologised for it, of course, but secretly I was very happy that he's so protective of her.

Walking around the park, hand in hand with the woman I love, and with our dog running around happily around us, I feel so happy.

Our "careers" are so uncertain at times and we have no idea what they'll evolve into or if we'll lose it all one day. It's something that I purposely doesn't spend thought process on but I know it worries Abbs sometimes.

"This is one of my favourite times," she whispers and leans her head on my shoulder as we walk. "Just down time with my two boys."

"I agree," I say and sneak an arm around her.

I know we'll be okay when I experience moments like this. It doesn't matter what happens with YouTube in the future.

Abbs has been a constant source of love and support from the moment she entered my life. We've had arguments, sure, but we've always been able to fix what was going on and in the grand scheme of things it's never been big problems.

Now, we've started a family, even if it is "just" a dog. I have no doubt it'll be expanded with children and more dogs over the years.


Sorry for the lack of chapter last Saturday. Hopefully, this little scene from Nate's POV makes up for it. I'm already working on this week's chapter so I'm crossing my fingers that it'll be ready for Saturday. As always, thank you for reading and I hope you have a lovely day/night.

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