Chapter 27: Night out with Connor and Tyler

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I had been bouncing off the walls and naturally Patch was bouncing around with me.

University had started and though I had happily forgotten about course work and schedules, it did feel good to be back learning stuff every day. It was surely easier than having to make a go of situations yourself without any help.

However, uni was not the reason I was excited. We had two dear American friends coming to stay with us in the flat for a couple of days. I had never really imagined befriending someone, who lived across the pond, so I had never considered how much distance can pull you apart.

I had kept a very close friendship with Connor despite the distance and I considered him one of my best friends. I also considered Tyler a friend, though we didn't talk nearly as much.

Nate was obviously also friends with both of them and the one, who had initially introduced me to them when I had been at Vidcon two years ago. Connor and Tyler had seemed content enough to stay in a hotel while they were over here for the #CreatorsForChange summit but Nate had convinced them otherwise.

We had the fold out bed in the office and a comfortable sofa in the living room and Nate had insisted that they both stay over at ours while they were in London. They'd still be out doing stuff but it would be nice to come home to the same base and spend as much time as possible together.

Patch was looking at me expectedly as he wagged his tail.

"Connor and Tyler could be here any minute, love. I'm just excited," I said and patted his head. He was so sensitive to my emotions and I had a feeling he was slightly worried about me jittering around.

"Don't mind her, Patch. She's crazy!" Nate shouted from his office.

"Hey!" I shot back but didn't say anything more.

I was weird and sometimes I did act crazy. I had seen Connor this summer after Coachella and ran into Tyler briefly at Vidcon this year but it felt like ages ago. Also, I just felt very excited about hosting someone in our home. We didn't do it often but I could think of nothing nicer than having friends to stay.

Not permanently as I think I would go a bit insane but I was definitely on board with maximising the time we got together. Since Tyler and Connor were friends again after their falling out, it also just made things so much easier.

Patch's head suddenly turned towards the door and his ears rose slightly. I knew that look. I ran towards the door and flung it open and sure enough Tyler and Connor were on the stairs on their way up.

I had texted Connor the code to get into our building after we had to have the buzzer to our flat removed because viewers would just stand and ring it for ages.

"You're here," I exclaimed and grabbed a hold of Tyler's luggage and chugged it into our flat. Nate had emerged from the office and we had a quadruple hugging session with Patch sniffing around excitedly at our feet.

"He's so cute!" the American boys exclaimed over each other and counched down to pet Patch, who welcomed the attention.

"He's so soft," Connor muttered and looked up at me.

"I told you," I said with a chuckle and leaned against Nate, who'd flung an arm around my shoulder.

"He's okay," Tyler said, trying to be sarcastic or something but the fondness shone through in his face. That boy loved dogs but for some reason he had a habit of downplaying his love for them.

I pulled out my phone and took photos as Patch carefully went to give them kisses and both the boys squealed. The photos were so wonderfully candid and I couldn't wait to post them, even knowing some people might be confused at it due to Tyler occasionally badmouthing dogs and Connor being a proclaimed cat-person.

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