Chapter 7: Unedited emotion

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My parents share a holiday home with four other families. Last time I was there was the summer before Emma and I moved to London. Since then we've never really had the time. But I do remember the nice times of going there for one week of the summer.

It's a beach house located almost directly on a fairly deserted piece of beach. It's near Brighton but far enough out that the tourists don't really go there. I have fond memories of that place, as we used to go there for a week every summer when we were children and teenagers.

It's a safe haven; I had actually forgotten I had. Which is why Nate is very surprised when I mention it.

"I think I'll go to my family's beach house," I said out loud after having been staring out the window for a while. It was only a couple of days ago since I passed out and my schedule is still all clear.

Nate had been trying to work from home as much as possible but he's so busy and many things do require him to go out to meet and talk with people. I've been feeling so guilty over my outburst at the hospital.

"Beach house?" he asked, looking up from his screen where he has been editing his new daily vlog. They've been particular boring lately because he doesn't attempt to vlog anything with me at the moment. I think he's scared for me and wants to do anything to protect me.

"Yeah, my family owns this beach house with four other families. We've done so since we were young. I haven't been there in two and a half years," I explained.

"Isn't it way too cold to stay in a beach house?" Nate asked, concerned.

"I'll just put on some layers. I've been cooped up here too long. I don't want to feel trapped in my own home. I need some space to think," I said. "But you were right about clearing my week of everything."

I hadn't told him that out loud yet but I needed to. I shouldn't have gone off on him as I did. It was selfish and so stupid. He always has my best interest at heart; I should know that by now.

"I have so much work here in London..." Nate started to explain but I got up from my seat and put my hand over his mouth.

"I'm going alone," I said.


"Yes, I think it'll be good for me to have a few days out at that house. It'll be refreshing and I bet on one else is using it in this season."

"That's because it's winter, Abbs," Nate said with a shake of his head.

"I've made up my mind and I'm going," I said and pecked his lips. "I'll jump in the shower, pack my things and be on my way."

I was on the train when my phone rang. I jumped in my seat and debated not picking up. I get so self-conscious having phone calls while in public, at least in a place where I'm stuck. However, it's Emma calling. It's probably not important but I pick up anyway.

"Hi," I whispered into the phone, thankful that no one sat right besides me.

"Why are you whispering?" Emma loud whispered back.

"I'm on a train," I whispered back.

"What?" she shouted and I was almost positive the people behind me could hear her through the phone.

"Yes," I whispered back.

"Okay, whatever. We'll get to that. Are you sitting down?"

"Yes," I said in a low voice. I just said I was on a train, didn't that imply that I was sitting down?

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