Chapter 24: A dog

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You can plan and plan to your heart's content but often things just doesn't work out the way you plan them to. There are always things out of your control and you never know when you'll meet an opportunity that you just can't turn down.

I had been working tirelessly on my big secret project and I had my very final deadline at the end of August. I had worked on it all through the summer, as well as the joint project with Nate but suddenly the deadline felt so close. It was a bit terrifying knowing we'd be releasing products and we didn't even know if anyone would like them.

I had gotten used to instant response as a blog post or video usually didn't live privately for more than a couple of days before we shared it. This was different. It was scary.

Still, I knew university would be coming to claim me a couple of weeks into September and that part of my life would go back to normal routine. It was kind of comforting to know I was still a normal student when you didn't look at all the social media stuff I had begun doing.

"I need a break," I said out loud to myself as I looked up from my computer screen. I had been nit-picking on a small design detail and it was driving me mad. Mad enough to talk to myself apparently.

I got up from the dining room table and went to put on my shoes and jacket. Nate was out at a meeting regarding the bullying documentary he had filmed last year with BBC America. It would be dropping at the same time as my separate project and our joint one. Three big things in one day, it was going to be a lot.

I headed out the door and breathed a sigh of relief when I didn't meet any viewers outside of our door. The building had actually implemented a new security system because so many of our neighbours was bothered that viewers rung their doorbells in the hopes of getting in. It had happened a couple of times that viewers would knock on our actual front door and that was petrifying.

I headed down to the animal shelter where I had begun volunteering a year ago. I hadn't been able to go as much as I would ideally have liked but I still tried to pop down and help whenever I had the time.

"Abbey!" the coordinator of the volunteers David greeted me happily as I walked through the door.

I felt a wave of guilt wash over me when I realised I hadn't been in all summer. David didn't seem to mind at all.

"Good to see you," he continued, beaming like a little child. "It's been so long. Busy with that YouTube channel of yours?"

I had originally hid the fact that my boyfriend was a very big YouTuber for everyone at the shelter but last Christmas, I had brought Nate along to film a very important message for his vlogsmas videos and we had told David. So when I started my own channel, he found out that as well.

"It's going good," I said and tugged a stray piece of hair behind my ear. "Good but busy. Sorry, I haven't been down here in ages."

"That's perfectly fine. You know what a massive boast of volunteers you brought in after you and your boyfriend filmed in here at Christmas. A lot of them stuck around and have been invaluable for the shelter."

"I'm glad to hear they're still here," I said. The influx had happed in January and I had met loads of viewers at the shelter. But it was nice and different atmosphere because they were all here to either volunteer or adopt pets. "Do you need a hand?"

"Always from you," David said with a brilliant smile.

He was quite a charming boy and according to Nate he flirted with me. I had dismissed it as friendliness and a flirty personality and I stood by that choice because I didn't have any interest in David. Sure, he was a handsome and compassionate lad but I had my Nate.

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