Chapter 19: Vidcon begins & UK Leaves EU

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It's been one hectic morning and I only felt like I was finally catching my breath by the time we were sat down in front of our gate waiting to board. I hate being late for things, especially the airport.

But making it to the polling station that morning had been our first priority and thus taken away the buffer time I usually allowed when going to the airport. So many things could unexpectedly delay you and that morning, they had.

"Breathe," Nate had reminded me throughout the morning but only now I was able to heed his words.

I nodded silently and caught the small smile on Jim's face. The three of us were travelling together to Vidcon and we were the last of the Gleamers as we hadn't been able to leave until now due to work commitments.

"What, Jimbob?" I asked, gathering back my momentum after having made the boys jog through the airport.

"You just remind me a bit about Tan. She's always the one who organises our schedules and flights and stuff. It's nice to have a substitute to fill her place," he said with a warm smile.

Tan wasn't coming to Vidcon as she was going on a girl's holiday to a place I couldn't even recall the name of. But it was definitely somewhere warm and sunny. She'd been accepting more offers from international hotels and slowly building up the travel side of her blog.

"Hands off my girl, Jimmy," Nate joked.

The call to boarding started and everyone sitting rushed up to queue. Around two-dozen of people had been standing in a queue even before that. I wasn't sure if they thought that might make the plane leave any earlier.

But we followed suit and the boys chatted on but I was still too much in my head as all the thoughts that had emerged at the polling station wasn't leaving me.

It wasn't just the limited time that had me a bit on edge. I wasn't extremely political and for most parts I tried not to get too involved with everyday political issues but I had felt a sense of duty to properly research what this EU referendum meant and what kind of consequences the two different outcomes would have.

I wanted us to stay IN the EU. That was the initial feeling I had had before my research but it was also the one I sat with after getting educated on the subject. The promises made if we voted OUT seemed unrealistic and like they might never be achievable. It would detach us from the free market with other EU countries and generally make mobility between countries much more difficult. I loved being connected to the world and this seemed like a step away from it.

I wasn't worried about the refugees. They were running away from places of war and the least we could do was help them out. What if it had been us? You didn't get to choose where you were born. And I thought about all the international students at my university whose degrees and futures might be in danger now. 

All the good human rights laws passed by the EU protected us. I wasn't sure what would happen if all that would be stripped away.

Jim was seated in a different part of the flight as we hadn't booked the tickets together but Nate and I settled down next to each other.

It was a bit odd not having any of Team Gleam with us, but some of them were already in Anaheim and others had to stay in London and work. The business was growing rapidly and they were always looking for new talent managers to take on the ever-growing social media people they represented.

Nate hadn't tried to address me all the way into the plane and he still kept his tongue now. However, he did take my hand in his, gently tracing circles on the back of my hand. He knew something was up or as he would call it, I had "my thinking face on" but he didn't push me to share what was going on in my mind.

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