Chapter 19

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"Lily can you help me with this?" Mike called to her.

"Yes, of course," she replied, running over to him.

We all were spread out on the beach, picking off any berries we could find on the bordering shrubs. Despite having the rabbit, it was still not going to be enough food for the six of us. Lily's threats on roasting up Jack still worried me. We moved quickly, running all around on the sand, moving from bush to bush.

"Hey, quit it," I growled when an arrow hit the bush next to me.

Another arrow flew past.

"Lily stop fucking around!" I practically screamed.

I turned around, but to my dismay no one was there.

"What the hell."

I ran into the trees on the other side of the beach, when a hand reached out and tapped me on the shoulder.

"Chill, it's only me," Lily panted, her eyes filled with fear.

"What's happening? Where is everyone?"

"I don't know, but what I do know is that someone took my bow. I went to go look for it, but then I hid when I saw an arrow fly--"


An arrow went whizzing above our heads, hitting the sand behind us.

"Hello girls."

We craned our heads up, gasping at the sight.

"So it was you, you little fucker!" Lily hissed.

Jason was standing in the middle of the ring of trees, his hands filled with blood as he carried out a flailing Jack.

"HELP!" He gasped for air, choking from Jason's lock around his neck.

He dropped the bow from his other hand on to the ground as he reached for his deadly star, blood already smeared on the edges.

"Shit," I breathed.

"Now, now, settle down, the fun is just getting started!" He cackled, tightening his grip around Jack's neck.

"Do you still have your knives?" Lily whispered.

'Yeah, but I can't get to him without injuring Jack."

"Hey listen to me you prissies. I know you killed my friends. An eye for an eye right?" He sneered, bringing the star up to Jack's neck.

"DO SOMETHING!" Jack squealed, thrasing about.

"If you two fucking move, I will kill him."

Lily gulped.

"Where the hell are the others!" I whispered.

"Oh my god--" she purred as we caught sight of Kristen in the bushes left of Jason.

"We're going to play a little game with your friend here, alright?" Jason hummed, dragging his finger up and down his victim's neck.

"Fuck you," Jack flailed, sptting into Jason's face.

"DO THAT ONE MORE TIME, YOU'RE GETTING IT!" Jason grunted, flicking his wrist up as it sliced thinly into Jack's neck, blood dripping out.

"AHHH!" Jack flinched, cupping the wound.

Kristen looked over at us, her sly smile slowly forming.

"Now," Lily nodded.

"DOWN!" I shrilled as Jack kicked Jason in the stomach, dropping to the ground the moment he let go.

Jason screamed in pain, chucking his star into Jack's back.

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