Chapter 3

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"Hello? Hello there Cara? Cara Monroe where are you darling?"

Was this reality? Did I just hear my name get called? Hundreds of eyes turn in my direction. Some filled with tears, some with hope, some with sorrow, some with worry. I didn't know what to do. I stood there staring back at Figs, her eyes locking with mine with that same sly smile Mayor Prince had had earlier. I didn't want to go. I didn't want to be a tribute. I didn't want to die. All I wanted to do what run. Run out to the meadow and never return. Everyone filed in two lanes on either side of me, leading the way for me to the podium. I tried to walk but I couldn't, my knees were locked. I took a deep breathe, choked back the tears, and cautiously walked up to the podium next to Figs.

"There you go, now was that so difficult, honey?" Figs said while rubbing my arm. She directed me to stand to the left of her by the glass bowl that my name had been drawn from. The stupid bowl that I wanted to pick up and chuck right at the Capitol's cameras. But I couldn't. Even if I wanted to. I looked back up at the crowd, the boys had the same shocked expression as all the girls did. Some of the younger girls were crying, probably in joy. Joy that I had been drawn and they hadn't. The older girls in the front were shaking their head, upset at the whole scenario. I scanned the whole area until I found her. And I did. I found my mother in the way back, in my neighbor's arm sobbing her eyes out. At one split second she looked up and met in my gaze. She blew me a quick kiss and continued on with the sobs. Her eyes were filled with lost, despair, and confusion.

"Now now, settle down ladies," Figs directed towards the female side. She shot a quick glance over at the opposite side of the square and said "Time to select our next tribute shall we?"

Again, the clunk clunk of her heels towards the other glass bowl, she reached in ever so dramatically and pulled out another slip of paper and headed towards the podium. My legs felt like jello, I wanted to collapse there on the ground right at that second, and never get up. Anything to not be standing up here at the stage. Figs cleared her throat, leaned into the microphone and said nice and boldly,

"Jason Pierce."

" no! Anyone! Anyone but him!" I screamed to myself in the confinement of my brain. This kid is in my class. He sat about 3 seats back. I say sat because I know he's not going to come back. The boy's weak as a stick. He'd never survive a day in the conditions the Hunger Games arena brings, let alone the other alpha male tributes from the 11 other districts. It surprised me how somewhat eager Jason seemed to be walking up to the podium standing along side Figs. To me, it seemed like he was practically skipping. "Oh, he'd never last a second in there," I thought to myself. Figs turned around and motioned me to advance to the front alongside her and Jason. Mayor Prince even stood up and walked up next to Jason. She grabbed my hand and his and raised them both up high simultaneously and belted at the top of her lungs "Please give a round of applause to the 78th annual District 12 Hunger Games tributes!"

The sound of the applause was overwhelming. It was as if my peers were saying "Yes, be gone, we don't need you two around here." In the midst of the clapping, Jason shot me a nervous glance. I glared at him back with piercing eyes. He looked down at the ground. I was annoyed by him already. I stood by my grudge.

As some side conversation started with Figs and Mayor Prince, two guards whisked Jason and I away to the car. I hesitantly stepped inside, worried if I would be able to see my mother ever again. There was already a driver in the front seat, and he immediately commanded us to put our seat belts on. Jason sat to my left, staring out the window the whole time. I looked out my window as well, catching a glimpse of my mother getting stuffed into a car on the other side of the lot. This was good, this meant I got to say farewell before I left for hell.

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