Chapter 11 - Cinema

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Lunchtime came faster than I expected, I was already in a class with Jonghyun. I walked over and linked arms with him.

"Where did Kibum say to meet again?" I asked, forgetting from all the thoughts that occupied my head.

"Uh.. The benches.. Come on let's go!" Jonghyun laughed as we chatted to the benches where Kibum and Taemin were waiting. They were enjoyoing a conversation about football. I don't get how much boys can talk about some stupid ball. But anyway..

"Hey Kibum, Hey Taemin!" I squealed running over to hug them. I'm pretty sure both boys blushed. 

"Hey Jae.." They said in sync as I squeezed the life out of them. I laughed letting go. 

"I so can't wait to go to the cinema." I admitted. The boys laughed.

"Have you ever been to a cinema Jae?" Kibum asked, slightly teasing. I froned at him.

"Yeah, but not alone.." I reluctantly admitted. Each boy laughed.

"Okay.. Sure.." Jonghyun teased. I pushed him playfully. 

"One more lesson then were free.." I groaned, I couldn't take it any longer, I wanted to go to the cinema already! 

Lunch passed quickly. I sighed returning to last lesson, at least we were all together. Thankfully it went quite quickly and when the bell rang I found myself staring straight at Kibum, well this is awkward. Luckily I looked away just as he turned around to smile. 

"GO!" He yelled as he ran towards me, grabbing my hand in the process. Taemin, somehow one Jonghyun's back was chanting, 'We're going to the cinema'. I smiled as Kibum held my hand, there was that feeling, more powerful than before.

"Jump on!" Kibum ordered me. I looked at him in shock.

"What?" I yelled in disbelief.

"Get on my back." Butterflies litterally exploded from every possible place in my body. I obediently jumped on. 

"I'm too heavy!" I moaned.

"Your as light as a feather!" Kibum reassured as he walked next to Jonghyun. I met with Taemin who was laughing at me. I was scared off heights, but I felt safe on Kibum's back. We walked out of the school gates, Kibum and Jonghyun talked about football. What a surprise. Taemin and I just chatted normally, wondering what the movie was going to be like.

"I hope it's funny!" Taemin said cheerfully, it was true, he enjoyed funny movies.

"Yeah, I hope it's scary!" I said, although Taemin hated scary movies, I loved them. The sudden jumps and gory scenes were enough to make me happy.

"Well, I'm pretty sure you'll like it.. it's Scary Movie!" Jonghyun said.

"but I don't like Scary movies!" Taemin cried.

"Don't worry Tae, it's not that scary, it's more funny!" Jonghyun reassured. Taemin still looked worried but either way he didn't resist.

Finally we reached the cinema, Taemin and I were put down and we all linked arms and walked in. Taemin saw the Pic&Mix shop and squealed with joy. We all laughed at the childish teen.  

"Oh Please Jae, Please can we get some sweets!" He begged using his all-famous aegyo. I always give in to him, whether he uses it or not. To me he's too cute anyway! We grabbed 4 bags full of munch and lined up for the movie. This was the moment we were all waiting for. Taemin being the candy-lover he is, had already almost finished his bag. We all laughed when he begged for more.

When we were finally let in we sat at the back! It was a great view from there, no tall people to wreck our views, especially since we were quite short ourselves.

When the movie started, the lights went low, a hand grabbed mine, I followed the arm curiously only to find it belonged to Taemin. I laughed mentally and looked at the screen. At every small noise Taemin would squeal and jump. At one point he was cuddled into Jonghyun, I found that quite cute, Jonghyun on the other hand laughed his head off at everything. He had watched it before so he knew what was coming.

Feeling the urge to want to be close to Kibum I leaned over to him, resting my head on his shoulder. He was obviously shocked as I heard him gasp. I smiled and closed my eyes slightly. He slowly wrapped his arm around me. I smiled, the feelign took over again, I ignored the movie from then on, I just focused on the warmth between us. I was starting to believe he still had feelings for me after all this time.


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