Chapter 2 - Kibum >:(

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I looked at Noona with tears in my eyes, everyone was making fun of Taemin, he was my bestfriend and it made me feel sad to see him like this. The teacher finally got everyone to stop laughing and chanting.

"Sorry about that!" The teacher gave the class a disgusted look. "Is he okay?" Her focus changed to Taemin who was still clinging on to Noona as if his life depended on it. I looked around the room all eyes were still on us. The teacher walked over and tried to get Taemin to let go.

"Come on Taemin let go!" Noona squealed, hardly able to breathe with Taemin squeezing her neck. 

"How about we do some finger-painting?" The teacher suggested, hoping we'd forget about this and go off. But no, we were brainier than that! I frowned at her. 

"I don't want  to!" I said crossing my arms. "I want to go home!" 

Noona looked at me suprised, I had never really outbursted like this in front of her. 

"JaeHwa, come on now, be a good girl for Noona!" She said in hope I would. I looked at her and sighed, it wouldn't hurt, I mean I'd have to get over this someday so I might as well...

"Okay.." I reluctantly agreed reaching out for the teacher's hand. She smiled warmly, that put my stomach a bit at ease. She led me to a corner, some eyes followed me, this included the cat-eyed boy. There was an easel and some paint pots, my smile grew to a grin. I've always had a soft spot for painting: I loved it. Especially finger-painting, it's a chance to get my fingers messy! I smiled up to the teacher and dunked my finger into the red paint, I squealed with joy at the cool paint moulding around my finger. I smiled and drew a face. The teacher was satisfied and walked to help pry Taemin off.

Whilst they struggled to remove Taemin I carried on painting without a care in the world. Suddenly there was a tap at my shoulder, I turned, it couldn't have been Taemin, he was having a tantrum right now. When I turned I saw the cat-eyed boy with his arms crossed looking me up and down. 

"Your not at all pretty!" He scowled looking at my golden hair. 

"So.." I snapped back. He frowned.

"What did you say?!" He snapped back scowling. 

"You heard me! I don't care if I'm pretty or not. Your just mean!" I smirked, he hadn't expected that. His face held utter shock.

"Why you little!" He grabbed my hair and tugged it.

"OW!" I screamed and retaliated by throwing my paint-covered hands at his face.

"Ewww!" He screamed and tugged harder, he was angry now.

"Stop now!" I ordered.

"In your dreams!" He yelled jumping on me pinning me to the floor. I screamed and kicked but he kept me held down.

"KIBUM!" Three boys yelled whilst running towards us. The teachers had enough to deal with, with Taemin struggling to let Noona go. 

"Must you always get into a fight with the new people!" One boy with short brownish hair tutted. He had an adorable face and a cute cheesy smile. He stood with his arms crossed looking at the cat-eyed boy who seemed to be named Kibum. I tried to push him off but he held me down firmly. There were two other boys stood behind the boy who was tutting.

One seemed to be holding on to a small basketball. He was quite tall for his age and had short black hair, he had a full fringe that came to the top of his forehead, his smile was charming.

The other looked puppy-like, his eyes were dopey and he had a goofy but adorable grin that showed his perfectly white teeth. He seemed quite muscly for a kid my age.

I looked wide-eyed at them, expecting them to help but they just watched. I realised I'd have to fight on my own. 

"Well, she started it by being so ugly!" Kibum retorted glaring at me with his cat-eyes. I flinched at his glare but didn't give up and started wriggling, trying to break free of his pin. The three boys watched amused, they chuckled now and again watching me struggle. Boy, these were going to make my school life hard.. Finally I gave up and started to breathe heavily. 

"KIM KIBUM!" so now the teacher notices.. She stormed right over to us having finally got Taemin to let go, he was now sat on a chair with Noona talking. She yanked Kibum off of me and glared at the boys. The boys walked over to Kibum and pushed him playfully. They soon ran off to do whatever they did for fun. Probably torture other kids! "Are you okay there dear?" The teacher asked. She stood me up and sorted out my hair a bit. "You have very pretty hair!" She complimented, my head still hurt from that brat pulling it, but the pain was slowly going away. I looked at Taemin he was sat on the chair alone. Noona must've finished talking.

"Thanks!" I chirped then ran over to Taemin. "Taemin-ah.. are you okay?" He looked up his eyes were fillied with unshed tears. I shuffled closer to hug him. He didn't hug back, but he didn't reject. I smiled. "Come on Taemin, let's have some fun!" I led him to a table with lots of crayons and paper. I sat him down and sat next to him, I handed him a blue crayon and moved a piece of paper to him. Behind all that cheekyness and naughtyness, hides a shy quiet boy when not around Noona. So I take the main role of helping him around. He held the crayon and soon enough he was scribbling across the page, his frown slowly turned to a smile. I giggled a bit and then drew on my own piece of paper.

Thankfully, those mean boys didn't go anywhere near us for the rest of the day. Which was good, i didn't want Taemin to be more scared of school as he already was...

"Now children, it's nearly the end of the school day, have you all had fun?" The teacher smiled warmly.

-=End of School Day=-

"Yeah.." A few people sighed.

"Good, now we will wait for your mums or dads before you can leave!" She reminded. I grabbed Taemin's hand, I was going to have to keep him from running if he tried. Suddenly the doors swung open and Noona walked in.

"NOONA~!" Taemin screamed and yanked me off the ground and across the room to Noona. 

"Woooah~" I yelled. Kibum and his friends were amused and were laughing, some were in tears of laughter. I frowned as I stood up. "Hmmph~" I groaned then looked at Noona. "Hey Noona, how was your day. Mine was okay I guess!"

"Aha, my day was fun. I hope you enjoyed yours. How was Taemin, did he get on okay?" Noona's pretty smile made me feel much better. 

"Taemin was fine after. I think he enjoyed it." I smirked. Taemin was already on Noona's hip stuffing his face in her shoulder. We all turned to go home, Noona said goodbye to the teacher and opened the door.

"Hey you!" A familiar voiced screeched. I turned around, Kibum was running towards me with our crayon drawings. "Are these yours?" He looked up at Noona and smiled politely, ugh. He handed them to me. 

"Thanks.." I took them with a fake smile. He smirked and leaned closer to whisper something. 

"Your not good at art!" He whispered then ran off snickering to his friends. 

"Ugh.." I groaned. Noona nudged me. 

"Come on. I have the car this time. So no running off for you!" She obviously directed that to Taemin.


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