Chapter 10 - 6 years later

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Walking to school with the gang was fun, we'd always have a laugh which would then start off the whole day in a good mood. We all walked in a line laughing and joking. Just Taemin, Jonghyun, Kibum and me. We were the best of friends, and I didn't mind being the only girl. In fact I liked it. We were now in High School, my birthday was coming up now, I am going to be 14! Kibum and Jonghyun are already 14, lucky! The reason Jinki and Minho aren't here is because they go to different schools, music schools to be exact. Their parents want them to live their dreams, we are all still close though. We see eachother in the holidays and the weekends.

Today after school we are going to the cinema. I can't wait. Anyway, all is good now, me and Kibum are good friends, and he doesn't get jealous if any other boy is with me. I am happy that we are all good friends, Taemin seems happy too. There hasn't been anything bad that has happened since we became friends in pre-school.

"Hahaha!" Jonghyun chuckled as he jumped on Kibum's back, nearly pulling him off balance. I turned to look at the playful boys.

"Yaaah!" Kibum yelled trying to swing Jonghyun off of his back. Taemin giggled and joined in pulling Jonghyun's back. I laughed at them.

"Come on guys we're going to be late!" I reminded, not wanting to get a detention. I smiled, seeing them alll like this made me feel so happy, there was another feeling, but I only got it when I thought about that one person. I smiled, thinking about him. I crossed my arms, snapping out of the thoughts. "Guys!" I recalled. I laughed again pushing them all apart.

Kibum smiled at me. "Sorry mum!" he joked, I gave him a stern look which only made him laugh more. I pushed him playfully and grabbed Jonghyun and Taemin's hands.

"Let's go!" I said sternly tugging them behind me. Kibum looked at me shocked then ran to catch up.

"Hey wait up!" He begged. I carried on without a second thought, Kibum was so easy to annoy! I laughed mentally and turned into the school gates. Kibum caught up and slowed to a walk as I stopped. Jonghyun smiled.

"Yay the school!" He said sarcastically. I laughed.

"Come on, I'm sure today will go fast!" I assured, he gave me a 'I don't believe you' look.

"Yeah right!" He said smirking. Taemin and Jonghyun walked off to get to class early to hand in some late homework. Kibum and I were left alone.

"So.." Kibum said, I looked at him curiously. "What lesson have you got first?"

"Maths.." I sighed. I hated maths, it was boring. I hated the teacher too.

"Haha, good luck with that!" Kibum mocked, he of course had the best lesson ever first. Art. I smirked and pushed him.

"Whatever! At least you get to have fun.." I smiled at him, looking up into his deep brown eyes.

There it was, that special feeling I felt on the first day of Pre-School. The feeling I got when Kibum was pinning me to the floor. The feeling of butterflies fluttering in my stomach. The feeling I wanted to take further.. Although, I'd never admit to it.

He looked down, slightly suprised at how close I was to him. Ever since that kiss in the rain six years ago, there has been nothing between us.

"Um.." His cheeks glowed with a pink tint. I smiled and hugged him as the bell rang. Thanks, bell.. You choose to ring now! He smiled. "S..see you at lunch then.." He stuttered and ran off. I felt the feeling dissappear as he dissappeared. I sighed and dragged my feet to the maths rooms.

That lesson I didn't listen. Not once. All I did was look in my notebook. The one I used to write in everyday, but since I grew up, there has been only sketches and random doodles. I smiled reading back over the young days. I smiled reading about when Taemin fell off his bike, and when we made a cake for the first time. I turned to the last entry. Reading the last sentence made that special feeling reactivate in my stomach;

Besides, I'm not too sure about this either, and it may seem crazy. But I think.. I like..

I let out a small sigh, this was when Taemin walked in, and I forgot to finish.

I looked up and saw the teacher was still explaining the math-thing-a-ma-jiggy. I tuned out again and looked back at my notebook and finished it off.

But I think.. I like.. Key <3

I added a small heart at the end too. I even sketched his face underneath that diary entry. I was so in love. I couldn't help myself but to daydream about him. I'm pretty sure he was over me a while back though.

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