Chapter 8 - Finally Friends?

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Walking to school that day was awkward, I had nothing much to say, neither did Taemin. Noona had to leave early this morning, she trusted us to be good and get to school. I wasn't to sure that Taemin was over his 'crush' on me. He was very jittery. I smiled nervously at him. I hoped he was over me, I mean I just wanted to be friends. I didn't want to risk all that we've been through. We neared the school grounds. I smiled, it was a short journey, I was so glad about that. I looked at Taemin I wonder if he's still in their gang..? I mean after yesterdays nosebleed, and his outburst on Kibum..

We walked into the classroom. There they were, Kibum looked shocked. Probably thought I wouldn't be in today, but I'm obviously tougher than he thought. I poked my tongue out at him in a cheeky manner. He frowned and crossed his arms. After the register Taemin and I walked over to the puzzles. Taemin slowly put his together. I was stuck half of my pieces were mixed with a different puzzle. I sighed and tried to decipher the puzzle pieces from one another. 

I grabbed a piece but dropped it. I frowned whilst bending down only to find another hand touching mine, I gasped and looked up bashing heads with someone. I fell backwards, he did to. When I finally, properly, looked at him I saw it was that boy, Jinki was it? He was laughing again, sat on his butt. His eyes, if not already small, were scrunched tightly as his loud laugh filled the room. Everyone turned to us, I blushed with all the attention we got. 

Taemin looked over the table curiously, wondering what had happened. I looked around landing on Kibum, whose face was red and annoyed looking. I frowned, here he goes again.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING JINKI!" He yelled, also giving me a glare. I just smiled, knowing it's annoy him more. Jinki stood up still laughing, I still don't know why he laughs so much.. Everyone stopped looking now, even Taemin didn't mind. I tried to get up but Kibum stood over me, his cat-eyes looking deep into mine. He reached out his hand. I hesitated but grabbed it. He pulled me up, since he was over me I ended up centimetres from his face. We stayed like that for a moment before Taemin threw a piece of puzzle at me. 

"Jae, help me. This puzzle is confusing!" He moaned. I looked at him and realised how close me and Kibum were. I jumped back, almost falling again. I scratched the back of my neck. 

"Uh, thanks?" I mumbled before walking over to help Taemin, he was angrily trying to puch the wrong puzzle piece down whilst glaring at Kibum, who was still stood there, blushing. I finally got Taemin to pay attenton and soon we finished the puzzle.  I looked up, hoping he'd still be there, but he wasn't.By now Kibum and his gang had probably started a game of football.

When Kibum's hand touched mine, it felt.. nice. In a way peaceful. As if we had been friends for ever. But I wanted more than that. I wanted..

"Come on it's dinner time!" I felt a tug at my arms. Taemin.. "Let's go play football?" He tugged me outside.

"Sure, okay!" We ran over to the pitch. I smiled when I saw Kibum. He looked at me and saw me smiling, in the corner of my eye I could see Taemin looking at me then Kibum then frowning. I walked towards Kibum. He kicked the ball to Jonghyun and walked to me. We stopped and stared at eachother for a while before I spoke up.

"Can we play?" I said pointing to Taemin and myself. Kibum looked us up and down. 

"Are you good?" He smirked.

"Um.. I don't know, I've never really tried.." I blushed, feeling slightly embarrassed in front of him. Taemin ran over, getting impatient.

"Are we going to play or not!" He yelled. Kibum laughed and shrugged. I've never heard him laugh like that. He's only ever laughed when hurting me. This sounded like a happy laugh. I couldn't help but smile.

"Sure I'll let you play.." He ran off and called Minho, we watched him. Minho passed Kibum the ball, he then blasted it into the goals. He and Minho cheered. I smiled, it was pretty cool. His cat-eyes looked at us, obbviously to see our reactions. I clapped and Taemin jumped up, fist pumping the air. 

"That was awesome!" He shouted. Jinki ran over to Taemin.

"Hey you be on our team!" He said pulling Taemin over to Minho. I smiled, at least Taemin was happy. I looked over to see Jonghyun and Kibum walking over to me. 

"That was amazing.. Kibum." It felt weird to say his name, but a good weird, it sent butterflies through my stomach. He scratched the back of his neck.

"Your on our team.. JaeHwa." It was obviously weird for him too, since he said it normally instead of teasing or being mean. Jonghyun smiled.

"Hey JaeHwa." He grinned his goofy smile.

"Hey Jjong." I replied smiling. Kibum flashed him a glare, I wonder why he does that to anyone who talks to me..

Me.. Wait..!

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