San Francisco

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"We take photos as a return ticket to a moment otherwise gone.."



That's all I seemed to be lost in. Strange shapes and colors filled my vision, restricting me from being able to see clearly. Flashes went off left and right, pain exploding in my body. I felt sore, tired, and unable to move. My vision went in and out of the inky darkness, my mind full of questions. After a few minutes I forced my numb fingers to move, feeling something smooth and hard beneath it.
As my head lolled against my chest, I raised it slowly to see a camera a few feet from me, my tired eyes staring into its black face. Looking down, I realized I was tied in a chair, right ropes digging into my wrists and duct tape wrapped around my ankles.
"Mark?" I whispered, my eyes fluttering as the bright lights made me wince in pain. The Dark Room, I thought. I breathed heavily, rolling my head beside me to see an unconscious Victoria tied up on the floor. I gasped, my voice groggy as I tried to pull myself from this deep sleep.
"Is anybody out there!? Please, help!" I croaked, pulling against the ropes weakly. I tensed up, groaning a bit as I tugged sharply at the tape at my ankles. With one more strong pull, I heard the tape rip and my foot become free. I looked over, seeing a cart full of medicine, needles and pictures of me. With my free foot, I stretched it over and pulled it in front of me. I tried waking Victoria, but she never responded.
I looked over at the photo of me on the cart, it was from last night. It showed me laying on the ground, helpless and vulnerable. My wrists were taped together and my face was blank and unconscious. My eyes stared blankly into the camera, glossed over and empty. I bit my lip, shaking as I leaned over and focused on the photo intensely. I promised I would never go back in time like this again..but this is the only way.
The world around me spun and blurred, the picture brightening and pulsating to life. I focused harder, being sucked into the black and white world of the photo. A rush of wig blew past me and soon I was lying on the ground with Jefferson leaning over me.
"You look great, Max." He whispered, his voice raspy and deep. I blinked a few times slowly, seeing him crouched over me with the camera in my face. The drugs were still kicking in, my head groggy and hazed.
"This angle highlights your purity, see? The slightly unconscious model is often the most open and honest. No vanity, or posing, just..pure expression." He seemed to have a dreamy look on his face as he walked around my body, smiling and snapping pictures. He bent down near my ankles, moving my foot back a little before standing back up with the camera.
"Oh Christ..look at that perfect face." I groaned softly, moving my head a little and twitching my hands. Jefferson glared at me, leaning down to strike my shoulder harshly. He had anger in his eyes as he sneered at me.
"Hold that stare! Stay. Still!" He yelled in my face, leaning back up and trying to snap more pictures. I felt my head start pounding and soon whimpers came spilling from my mouth. I curled in on myself, started to feel tears prick the corners of my eyes. Jefferson groaned and lowered his camera, walking back and forth angrily.
"Oh, Max! You fucked up my shot!" He took a deep breath, looking down at his camera and scrolling through the pictures.
"But don't worry, we have all the time in the world. For now. I knew you were special the first time I saw your first "Selfie." He chuckled darkly to himself as he snapped some more pictures of me on the floor. He pushed his black glasses back up his nose before smirking at me.
"Yes, I still hate that word. But I love the purity of your own image. Not like Rachel, who was always looking in the wrong places. Poor Rachel. Wait.." He trailed off, looking down at me with a sideways glance. I breathed softly through my mouth, trying my best not to let the tears spill down my face.
"Let me try this angle.." He walked behind me and stood over me, his legs on each side of my body. After snapping a few pictures, he huffed and leaned down to roughly shove my shoulder back into the position he wanted it to be.
"Don't move!" I was breathing in a shaky whisper, my hands trembling against the white floor. He breathed a sigh of relief as he moved back in front of me to take more.
"Oh, much..better. Thanks, Max. If only Nathan could see this setup. He tried so hard, but you can't just throw a few subjects around and expect a cohesive style or theme. But he had an eye for shadows. And an eye for a whole lot more, as his elite family will find out..along with Arcadia Bay." His voice had dropped lower and sounded even more sinister than the Jefferson you thought you knew.
He kneeled down behind your back, gently moving your head to the other side so the light shined down on it. He smiled, snapping a few more pictures with a smile.
"Nice..good..oh..those eyes.." He drawled out, the flash going off as he walked around and took it from new angles.
"It's just too bad you're so god damn nosy, Max. But this room is under 24/7 surveillance, so all I had to do from text you from Nathan's phone and you fell right into my hands. You really should've focused on your schoolwork, not "private detecting" with your little friend." I rolled over onto my back, shielding my eyes with my taped up hands.
"Mark..." I whimpered, hearing the camera go off a few times as Jefferson walked over to me.
"Mark, right. Yeah, I'm sorry that I liked, that Nathan killed him in self-defense. But she had a troubled history like most Arcadia Bay drop outs. Nobody will be surprised, or care. Though I promise people will care when you die tonight, Max. I wasn't lying when I said you have a gift." He said quietly, kneeling down in front of me again to get a closer shot.
" this is a good shot. Maybe a few more close ups.." I groaned again.. moving my head from side to side.
"Max, please do not move so much. I need you posed and framed my way! Maybe a new dose will calm you down." I rocked back and forth, shaking my head slowly.
"" I cried out..pulling at the restraints. He pulled the cart over, picking up a bottle and a syringe.
"Now don't move, or this will..hurt..much.." He started walking over back to me, the needle high in the air. I shook my head, kicking the cart and sending it flying into the wall. The bottle of medicine tipped over and spilled all over the table. Jefferson growled and glared at me with fire in his eyes.
"Stupid bitch! You just don't listen, do you? In fact, you never did hear much in my class. If you had, you might have seen this all coming. Goddamn, you are a fighter though. I've had my eye on you, and I've noticed that you've been more..fearless..this week than maybe your whole life." I cried out, shaking my head and curling my hands into my face. He stepped closer, the needle dangerously close to my skin.
"Remember my number one rule. Always take the shot.." I didn't have the strength to fight back as he plunged the needle into my arm and pushed the drugs back into my veins. My legs kicked for a few seconds before they simply stopped from all the deadweight. My arms fell to the ground as my whimpers became quieter and quieter. As Mr. Jefferson walked back to the cart, my vision became white and too bright to keep them open. I was being sucked back out into reality, my eye closing tightly.
I snapped my eyes open, falling back against the chair I was originally tied in. I tried to take deep breaths, my heart ramming against my chest. I jumped as I heard Victoria start to groan next to me on the floor. I watch as she stirred in her sleep, her fingers twitching and lips moving. My eyes scanned over the counter again, spotting a pile of new photos he had taken of me. I saw the first one, me sitting in the same chair with my eyes wide and alert. I was staring at the camera. I could try this one.
I took a deep breath, staring at the picture and letting my powers do its work as the room spun and I was sucked back into the photo. Suddenly, I was in front of Jefferson. I was tied to the chair, the camera sitting on a stand as he messed around with the buttons. I gulped, looking around as I gripped the chair arms tightly. Jefferson took a shot, smiling proudly to himself.
"I'm getting some spectacular images here, Max. Yes, Victoria would kill to be in your place, but..she doesn't understand our..connection. You're the winner, Max. I choose you..your portrait." I leaned back against the seat, staring at him with cold eyes. Gritting my teeth, I muster up the energy to let the two words slip past my lips.
"Fuck you."
You're trying too hard. I know you're scared. You all have the same doe-eyed look when you wake up here..replaced by fear as you realize what's about to happen."
"Mr. Jefferson, why are you doing this?" The question seemed to amuse Jefferson, his chuckle ringing in my ears. Oh, how I'd love to smash that fancy camera in his face.
"Oh, Max..I'm so glad you asked me that question. Simply put, I'm obsessed with the idea of capturing that moment innocence evolves into corruption. That shift from black to white to gray..and beyond. Most models are cynical. They lose that naïveté. However, some Blackwell students carry their hope and optimism with them aura. And those lucky few become my subjects." I shook my head, unable to register how such a kind man could have such a sick mind.
"Yes, you're a psychopath. And this is your last session."
"Au contraire, Max. I'm so sane that nobody knows what's happening to you right now. As you can see, Sleeping Beauty here is too harsh for my gentle lens. And don't get me started on your late partner. I had enough of those faux-punk sluts in my Seattle days."
"Go to hell. You will, for everybody you've hurt."
"Unlike pure, sweet, Kate Marsh, I don't believe in that bullshit. She could have been my masterpiece. The world is what an artist makes it..and my muse-"
"Blah, blah, blah, God I hate your voice now."
"You might as well savor it, considering it's the last you'll hear. Oh.." He smiled as I tensed up, clenching my fists together tightly. He let out a slow chuckle, crossing his arms.
"That struck a nerve. Your face changed color..beautiful."
"You will not get away with this. I want you to know that."
"Too bad you've already made a convincing argument against Nathan in the Principle's office. Thank you so much, for setting him up for me. I do know that the Prescott's are going to have a major scandal when the town finds out what their elite son has been doing for homework."
"You used Nathan."
"I prefer the term, "manipulated." Like with an image..Nathan's was easy to twist around. I became a sort of, father figure, to Nathan. It happens often in teacher/student relationships. It was kind of touching for awhile."
"Did you tell him everything about your plans at Blackwell."
"Don't be stupid, Max. I told him what he needed to hear. In return, I had access to the Prescott fortune. Who do you think paid for this glorious dark room and equipment. How else could I get all these hip new drugs for my subjects."
"Rachel Amber was your victim, not your "subject."
"Oh..Rachel Amber. That's the real tragedy. Nathan thought he could be an artist like me. Instead, the dumbass gave her an overdose."
"Why Rachel?"
"I don't have time to tell you everything. But she was..special. A human chameleon. So many visual possibilities. We had a real connection."
"Did she let you take pictures of her."
"Rachel was in love with me..that's not my ego. Just look at our sessions. Not that I'll let you. Nobody loved having their picture taken more. Anyway..Rachel is dead. But no tears..Los Angeles would've killed her anyway. So, look at this as a favor."
"You're evil."
"Oh, I see. You're "good" because you stopped a friend from beating up Nathan."
"I cared more about Nathan than you did."
"No! You didn't. It's just too bad that he fell in lust with Rachel. He actually thought he could mimic what I do with a camera and a subject. Like father, but not like son.."
"Where is Nathan now?"
"Dead and buried. After what he did to Rachel, I knew I couldn't keep him as a protégé for much longer. Now the police will never find his body. Do you finally get it now, Max? I can't compromise my vision with amateurs."
"You are an amateur. Look at the trail of death you left behind. You can't blame all this on Nathan. I don't care what you do to me. You're going to die, motherfucker. For Mark, and Rachel, and everybody else." I sneered, my voice gradually growing stronger. He laughed at me attempt, shaking his head.
"I do love your spirit, Max. But you brought yourself here, by your own choice. Anyway, I like my models to be seen and not I have to make sure..there's nothing left behind of you." He walked back behind his camera, bending down to look at the pictures. He rubbed his hands together, smirking.
"Okay, now let's see how these pictures turned out. I can see why your instant camera is so appealing. You don't need a computer to print your work out. He turned on his speakers, soft and gentle music starting to play from it. As he started to walk away, I leaned against the restrains.
"Wait! Please, Mr. Jefferson."
"I would love to shop talk, but I really need to go over these pictures. Especially while they're fresh in my mind. I think our session..was a career high for me."
" still have my diary."
"Don't worry..nobody's going to read it. Thanks for reminding me. There's nothing more innocent than a teenager's diary. Oh..look at your selfies. What a waste of talent. Look at that shot, can do so much better." He threw the diary down at my feet, showing me the selfie he was talking about. I restrained my smile, scooting the diary closer to me. I leaned over, staring at the first selfie I took in his class. Taking a breath, I focused and let the world melt and disappear around me.

The RED Butterfly Effect (Markiplier Life Is Strange FanFiction.)Where stories live. Discover now