Super Girl

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"I am Price...Chloe Price..BANG BANG!"

- Chloe Price



    My alarm rang shrilly in my ear, disrupting my dreams. I buried my face into the pillow, groaning softly. I stayed still, hoping that maybe it would just turn itself off. My hopes were short lived as the annoying ringing continued its screaming.
    I rolled over, fluttering my heavy eyes open. I stuck out my hand, tapping the alarm and finally shutting off the awful noise. Silence filled the air, a sigh slipping past my lips.

    I finally forced myself to sit up, the covers sliding down my legs. I ran a hand through my messy hair and looked around my room. I placed my bare feet on my rug, walking over to my dresser.
    Being a superhero is dirty work, I need a shower. I heard my phone vibrate on the counter, picking it up to see Mark had texted me. I smiled to myself, scrolling through the messages.

(A/N: Your texts will be in italics.)

    "Bailing the master! Breakfast is a go!"

    "You there, Mad Max?"

    "Like I said before, always for you :) :) :) :)."



    "Meet me at the diner in 40."

    "I'll be there!"

    "Don't be late, or I'll know time is not on your side! Don't get high like in my room."

    "I'll be there :)"

    "You are EVIL! 40 minutes, or else."

    I shook my head, smiling bigger as I put the phone away. Even with all this crazy shit going on, it's so cool having Mark back in my life again. I made my bed and glance over at the many sticky notes on my wall.
    I spent nearly all time trying to figure out what the hell is going on. I knew there had to be an answer somewhere. I rubbed my aching head, grabbed my shower supplies and walked out of my dorm.
    I looked over to see Victoria and one of her friends talking outside of her dorm. She handed her friend papers, homework no doubt.

    "Courtney, seriously, do not forget I need papers before tonight. Like, now." Victoria's snobby voice was definitely something I didn't like hearing in the morning.

    "Thanks, Cherie." Victoria gave her friend a small wave and slammed the door, leaving Courtney staring at the doorway. The girl laughed lightly and leaned closer to the door so Victoria could hear her.

    "Yeah, of course Victoria. I'll get the tests and papers to you this afternoon. I am so on it, consider it done!" She turned and walked down the hallway, a stack of paper in her arms. I rolled my eyes and made my way down also, wondering how she had such obedient friends.
    I jumped a little as I heard someone cry out. I turn to see a roll of toilet paper fly and nail Alyssa in the back of the head. She was like a magnet for accidents. I hold up my hand, reversing time and watching it go back into the hands of a couple of girls in the dorm room across from her.
    I walk towards her quickly, tapping her on the shoulder. She tears her eyes away from the poster board and looks at me.

    "Hey Alyssa, can you stand over there?" I point at the spot away from the board, seeing her shrug at me. She looked a little confused as she nodded and walked away from me.

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