Climate Change

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"Beautiful, I don't give a shit. The world is ending, cool."

- Chloe Price

CHAPTER SEVEN: Climate Change

The sun was shining through the trees as they swayed against the trees. The breeze was cool as it ran through my hair and chilled my exposed skin. I looked up at the sky, seeing it blue and clear. I sighed, following Mark who was ahead of me.
    I looked around, a shiver getting sent up my spine at the strangely familiar scenery . I shook my head, trying to clear the terrifying thoughts that plagued my brain.

   "Isn't this awesome sauce!? Totally reminds me of when we were kids..." Mark stated, smiling and looking around. I nodded, rubbing my arm and watching a deer scamper through the woods beside me. He looked back, motioning to come near him.

    "Come on, slowpoke!" I stopped, smiling a little at him. I held my hand on my hip, smirking at his impatience.

    "Hold on!" He groaned, rolling his eyes and turning away to keep walking up the hill. Everything around me seemed so...weird. I didn't feel like myself and I couldn't shake the awful churning in my stomach. I haven't been here in why do I feel like I was just here?
    I rubbed my forehead, trying to make sense with my fried brain. I gasped, looking at the path leading up the hill. Something in my mind clicked, making me take a couple steps backwards.

Whoa, this is the exact same path I was on during my nightmare today..

    I continued up the steps, picking up the pace to be with Mark. Before I made it to the top, my phone went off. I pulled it out of my pocket, seeing it was from Warren.
    I gasped, seeing hesent a picture of his beaten face. He was smiling, his hand doing a thumbs up. His left eye was purple and black, a few bruises scattering his pale face.

    "I owe you. Thanks for today. I'll call you back later, okay? I SWEAR!"

   "No problem! You still have to tell me your big secret."


    I put my phone back in my pocket, finally making it to the top. I looked at the sky, now streaked with a bright orange and red. The sea was just down below the cliffs, harsh waves crashing into the shore. I sighed, watching the many birds flying in the sky.
    Birds are so lucky, they can always escape. Only then, did I notice the tall lighthouse behind me. I cringed, my mind replaying the awful nightmare I had.
    I looked at the town just below, looking just as quiet and tiny as it always is. I spotted Mark sitting on a bench by the edge, his back turned to me and staring out at the sunset. I smiled slightly, standing back a little to capture the whole view.

   This would be a nice photo of Mark framed by the sun..

    I shook my head, clearing my mind of photos for the moment. I walked around the bench, sitting beside him and leaning close.

    "Are you sure you don't want to be alone?" I asked him, seeing how peaceful he looked. He shook his head, nudging me in the shoulder.

    "Take a seat, Pete." I smiled, nodding to him.

    "My pleasure. Feels nice out here after all of this drama."

    "You really took one for Team Mark." I scoffed, shrugging my shoulders.

    "I'm not as brave as you. And David is indeed a "Step-Douche." He nodded, sighing.

    "I'm sorry you had to experience that firsthand."

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