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"Oh man, are you cereal!?"
-Max Caulfield


I dreaded opening that door, but forced myself too anyway. Already I could hear the chatter and gossip from dozens of students that surrounded me. Lockers slammed, teachers talked, and couples made out along the wall. I sighed, casting my glance over the sea of people.

Welcome to the real world..

I took a step forward, leaving my peaceful classroom to this chaotic world instead. I rubbed my face, hiking my bag higher on my shoulder. I need a serious time out in the bathroom, I thought. Splash water on my face and make sure I don't look like a total loser.
I reached into my bag and fished around for my iPod. Once my hand grasped it, I pulled it out and put my headphones it. I wouldn't be able to survive in this school without my music. Without my camera and music, I'm pretty sure I'd go insane.
After I had pressed play, I continued walking down the hallway. As usual, I kept my head down and my hands wrapped securely around my books. I didn't like attention, nor being in the center of it.
The soft strum of a guitar filled my ears as my music started. I listened to its sweet notes, being consumed in the gentle song quickly. I passed by the "Missing Person" poster, stopping shortly to read its contents.
I had heard rumors about this girl being missing, but I never really looked into it. She was one of the people I didn't seem to talk to a lot.
Her name is Rachel Amber. My eyes looked over the poster, trying to think if I've ever actually known her. The picture was black and white, only allowing me to see her long hair and big eyes. I shrugged, turning away and walked past it.
    It looks like she's been gone for month. Poor girl, I thought. I finally made it to the bathroom, closing the door behind me. I was relieved to find it quiet and empty, just how I liked it. There was trash littered on the floor and strange stains that I would rather not find out why.
I closed my eyes and pulled out my headphones, my music squeaking out of the buds. Empty..good..nobody can see my meltdown except for me. I looked at the posters on the walls, all marked on and graffitied from other girls.
    I rolled my eyes when I saw the ones mentioning Kate. I ripped them off, stuffing them in the trash where they belonged. I went to the sink, and looked in the mirror.
"Of course.." I whispered, glaring at myself. There was a crown, glasses, and mustache sketched onto the glass by a permanent marker. I leaned closer, letting my face be decorated by the little doodle.
    It feels like the whole universe is taunting me..wherever I go. It all starts in that bizarro dream in I going crazy? I splashed cold water on my face, trying to calm my nerves.
I reached into my pocket and pulled out my photo. I stared at it in my hands, instantly frowning. Just relax. Stop torturing yourself. You have.."a gift." I looked up at myself in the mirror, my hands shaking a little.
    My dull blue eyes stared back at me, glaring in hatred. My hair came to only my shoulders, my bangs hanging above my eyes. I always liked it short, though sometimes I thought of growing it out.
I never liked the way I looked. My nose was too skinny, as with my face. My chin was too pointy, my lips too small. I had the body of a lamp post, no curves or hips. That's where the nickname, "Beanstalk." came from for me.
    I looked at my jacket, my pink deer shirt peeking out from underneath. "Jane." was written on the front, with a black outline of a deer next to it. I always thought the shirt was a little childish, but I still loved it.
"Fuck it." I said angrily, taking the photo and ripping it in half. It floated to the floor, both pieces getting soiled in a puddle. I turned my head just as a bright red butterfly came flying out a vent on the ceiling. I stood there, watching it flap its wings as it went behind a wall. It was a brilliant shade of red with black dots painting its wings.
I started walking towards it, slowly and carefully. When a door closes, a window opens..or something like that, I thought. I turned the corner, seeing it land on a gray bucket on the floor. I smiled a little, gripping my camera. Okay girl, you don't get a photo op like this everyday! I nodded to myself, inching a bit closer to it.
I crouched down, holding my camera to my face. I breathed slowly, leaning towards it a little more. I centered the camera on the butterfly, quickly pushing the button down. A flash went off, startling the red butterfly as it flittered away.
    I watched it fly past me, and back up the vent on the ceiling. Just as I was about to walk out, I heard the door open.
The door slammed, making me jump a little. I tip toed to the edge of the wall, peeking out. It was a boy, a boy in the girls bathroom. He was searching the toilets, making sure no one was in there. I kept quiet, keeping my head hidden as I watched it. I knew him as soon as my eyes laid on him.

The RED Butterfly Effect (Markiplier Life Is Strange FanFiction.)Where stories live. Discover now