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"Eat shit and die."

- Max Caulfield

Chapter Nine- Downhill



    Mark's terrified voice burrowed into my brain. I frantically looked around, hearing the train just a few minutes away. My heartbeat was slamming against my chest, sweat running down the sides of my face. Fear accumulated in every inch of my body, my eyes remained wide open.
    I bolted up the hill to a little storage room. After quickly finding a crowbar and forcing the door to open, I headed inside. I heard Mark screaming as he furiously tugged at his boot. I let out a scream once I saw the train barreling at him. His face paled as his hands went up to shield his face. I flicked my hand out, staring out of the window at him.

    "NO!" I shouted, forcing time to rewind. I watched the train head backwards, eventually vanishing behind the trees. My head pounded, but Mark was safe. Relief flooded me as I took a deep breath before looking around the room. I spotted an axe hanging on the wall and took it just in case.
    It lay heavy in my hands, my eyes flickering everywhere at once. I went over to the drawers on my right, throwing them open. I looked quickly, cursing as I found a drawer empty. After finding two abandoned drawers, I got a score. A pair of blue pliers awaited me as I pulled open a random drawer. I smiled, snatching them up and gripping them tightly.

    "MAX GET ME OUT OF HERE." I run past him, heading over to a cable box sitting next to the rails. His voice is hoarse from screaming so much, his eyes locked on the train down the road. I flung open the door, seeing three wires. Blue, red, and yellow. I groaned, my shaking hand pulling the pliers in the air.
    Well, let's do what they do in movies. So, I guessed, clipping the red wire first. I heard gears clicking as Max continued to scream in fear. I ran over to the lever, now being able to easily yank it down. I gasped, watching the train come closer.
    The rails slid over, allowing Mark to tug his boot free. He got up, just barely jumping over of the way before the train grazed by him. His beanie fell off, falling to the ground as his red hair was being blown everywhere. My heart leaped to my throat as he put his hands on his knees and took a huge breath.  I rushed over to him, throwing my arms around his neck. He hugged me tightly back, his body shaking a little.

    "Are you okay?" I asked him breathlessly, hugging him tighter. I felt him nod, his hands gripping my back.

   "You saved me again. Crazy! Now we're totally bonded for life." We looked over at the train still moving forward, quickly dissapearing from view. He swooped his beanie up, placing it back on the top of his head.

    "Damn, that was close." My voice was a little weak from the major relief I was feeling.

    "Aren't you glad I took you away to a nice, desolate, quiet spot?" He said, trying to joke. He put his arm around my shoulders, shaking me.

    "It was cool to spend time in your lair but, I have to get back to school before my next class."

    "Since you're the mysterious superhero..I'll be your faithful suffaur and companion." I smiled a little, leaning closer to Mark. We started walking back down the railroad, finding our way out of the landfill. I looked over at him, watching him stare in front of him.

    "My powers might not last, Mark." He nodded, pulling me close and giving me a side hug.

    "That's okay, but we will. Forever." His words made a large smile take over my face as I nodded and followed him to his beaten up truck. He kept his promise, arriving at the school five minutes before my class was to start. He parked it beside the sidewalk, his hand rested loosely on the steering wheel.

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