Forgive Me

148 7 3

"I wish I could stay in this moment forever..but then it wouldn't be a moment."

-Max Caulfield


(A/N: Once again, sorry for the long waits for updates. It's very hard to sit down and write these chapters out because I'm so busy. Enjoy!)

"Okay, so here's the plan. I'll go to the diner and distract Frank by telling him I have his money, but he needs to come with me. Then you come in and rewind so Frank doesn't see me, then you can tell Frank he needs to check out his RV and then you rewind after you get the key...and then..uh...and...uh.."
    Mark tried to have a plan ready, but his determination soon turned to stuttering and mumbling after he started confusing himself. I chuckled and laid a hand on his shoulder.

"Mark, I got this. I'll be back."

"Don't let my epic plan be in the way of yours. I'll try to scrounge up a scooby snack to distract his mangy mutt." I nodded, watching Mark walk off to try and find food for Frank's dog. I sighed and looked into the diner window, seeing Frank scarfing down his breakfast.
    Now to find a way a quick and easy way to snag Frank's keys. I walked into the diner, the jukebox music filling my ears. I inhaled deeply, smiling at the scent of fresh food. Good lord, bacon. I'm ready to nosh again..but I need to get those keys from Frank. My stomach churned uneasily before I gulped and shrugged. I did still have my rewind powers. I walked up to Frank, grabbing his plate full of beans.

"You eat like a pig, try the floor." I couldn't believe what I was doing as I let the beans slip off the plate and splatter to the ground. Anger instantly twisted in Frank's face.

"I was eating those beans..are you fucking insane? I WAS EATING THOSE BEANS!" He got up, throwing his fork to the counter. I stepped back, watching him walk towards me. His foot stepped in the pile of beans, making him slip and fall to the floor.
    I gasped, covering my mouth to try and stifle the giggles. He groaned and slammed his fist on the ground, looking up at me. My smile dropped as he lunged for me, his hand aiming at my throat. I shot my hand up, freezing time. Okay, maybe not the best option I could've picked. I rewind time until Frank was sitting at the table again, eating his food that wasn't thrown on the floor.
    I walk up to the table, placing my hand on the table by his plate. I waited in silence until his eyes caught my hand and he looked up at me. He let out a quiet chuckle, shaking his head.

"You have some serious balls, little girl. But hanging out with Mark, playing with guns, and dressing up like Rachel doesn't make you cool or tough. What the fuck do you want? Take a picture of me and I'll break your fucking camera." His icy voice made me want to cringe, but I struggled through it and straightened my back.

"How do you know these are Rachel's clothes?"

"Because she looks beautiful in them and you look like an ass. You're lucky I just took that gun away from you."

"Grab your keys and let's check out your RV."

"Let's not. You fucking creep me out." I sighed in frustration, rewinding time again to where he was sitting at the table. I ran a hand through my hair, looking out the window to see Mark rummaging through the trash outside.
    I made a face and turned back to Frank, pursing my lips. What to do, what to do. I weighed my options and looked at his beer can sitting in front of him. I reached over and grabbed it, leaning it over Frank's pants. He didn't have time to react as it spilled all over his crotch and legs.

"I just wanted to see what would happen if I did this." He looked up, a scowl deep on his lips. He rose from his seat, his arms reaching out to me.

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