The Dream

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"With great power comes great..bullshit."
-Max Caulfield


    I woke up with a start, gasping for air that had seemingly left my lungs. I gripped my chest, taking gulps of fresh air. I flinched as lightning flashed in my eyes. It stretched across the black sky and lit up the gray world. Only then did I notice the cold raindrops falling from the clouds.
    I could feel them pricking my exposed flesh, soaking my clothes to the bone. I was shivering, my fingertips dripping with water. My hair was plastered to my head as I looked around. I could feel the chilled mud beneath me as it smeared on my clothes.

I was in a forest...

    A forest I didn't recognize. The trees were being thrown around and swayed violently as the strong gusts of wind pushed them over. Debri was flying everywhere, leaves and sticks getting stuck in my hair.
I rubbed the water out of my eyes, struggling to see clearly. Where am I? What's happening?, I thought. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as I gulped and forced myself to stand up. My arms were outstretched as I tried to keep my balance in tact. I'm trapped in a storm?
How did I get here?...and where is, "here"? All these questions ran dizzily in my head. Too many to answer, and too little to know. My shoes sunk in the mud, my skin rippling in goosebumps. I turned around in a circle, finally seeing the large lighthouse standing in the distance.
It's tip lit up in a bright, blueish light as it spun around in a circle. It towered over the trees with its massive height.
    I started stumbling towards it, my hand reached out as if to grab it. There's the lighthouse..ill be safe if I can make it there. I shielded my face with one arm, blocking any debri that came at my face. I started up the hill, clutching my black jacket tightly to me. I slipped in the mud, yelping as I struggled to climb the steep hill.
I hope..please let me make it there. The fear in my chest was almost painful as I heard the roaring wind screaming in my ears. I shook my head, pushing myself to climb the mud and dirt. I could see something beyond the trees, something big and massive. I couldn't make it out, but I had a feeling it was causing all of this chaos.
    After a few minutes of struggling, I finally made it to the top. There was an opening from the tree line, a bench sitting at the edge of the cliff. I walked further, almost falling backwards from the sight. My legs became jelly and and I had to grip tightly onto a tree to keep myself up.

It was a hurricane...

    Except this hurricane was nearly ten times more massive than any hurricane I've ever seen. Ever. It also reminded me of a tornado, a deadly tornado. It swirled angrily in the ocean, rising up several feet from the waters.
  The sight of it all made my stomach churn in flip flops. I turned away from it, fearing I'd be pulled into it if I stared too long. I went up to the lighthouse, it stood firm and strong against the storm.
    "Holy shit..." I breathed out, deciding to stare up at the monster again. It seemed to be endless as it reached up to the clouds. A storm this massive could easily wipe out a whole country if given the opportunity. I noticed a town a few feet from the storm. That's when I started to scream.

That was my town...

    My scream was cut off as a boat came soaring from the storm. I covered my mouth as it whipped towards me, smashing into the lighthouse. The light flickered as chunks of the concrete lighthouse came crumbling off. I stumbled back, seeing the lighthouse give away and start to fall.

"WHAT! NO!" I managed to scream out. My body froze, rooting itself to the ground. I screamed until my throat hurt as the lighthouse came crashing down on top of me. I felt the pressure of the weight as it crushed me into nothing.

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