Chapter 10

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Hey hey beautiful pples! This chapter is dedicated to my friends…recently I've discovered that not all people are who they pretend to be so watch your backs wouldn't want any of my fans going through that betrayal…. Also, sorry for that last chapter, it was total shit…this one is a rather short chapter, I just want you guys to have a little insight into what she's like when she's not being crazy. Also there's a picture of Mason...tell me what you think!

Love y'all!






Chapter 10

§ Sierra's  P.O.V §

"It's really great to be able to spend time with you again." Kara called out from the dressing room.

"Yeah…I missed you too," I chuckled.

"Ok, what do you think of this one?" She asked as she stepped out of the dressing room. It was a simple red halter-neck dress. It looked amazing on her, it was simple but elegant. 

"I think it's perfect," I assured her.

"Really? I hope that they think so."

Kara had a family lunch with her soon to be step-dad's family and she wanted to make a good impression on them. Her parents had split up when she was really young and her dad had moved to Europe but they were still incredibly close. Now her mom's wedding was coming up in a few weeks and this was the first time she'd be meeting Brad's family. I know what you're thinking…Brad? He was way different to what his name implied, he was a sweetheart and made Kara's mom super happy which all that any of us cared about.

"They'll love you no matter what you wear."

"I sure hope so," she said biting her bottom lip absent-mindedly.

I gave her a comforting side hug, "I know so, now come on or you'll be late."

"You're right, I only have a few hours til lunch."

With that said she flounced towards the till with me smiling after her. I loved my best friend, she could be crazy one minute then sensitive the next it showed that she had a complex personality or that she was bipolar, either way I loved her. I loved Tommy too, especially since I'd known him for as long as I could remember. Our mom's were best friends which meant that I spent a lot of time with him.

I honestly couldn't imagine my life without my best friends, we'd seen each other through some hard times. I would have literally fallen apart after my dad's death if it wasn't for them. To me, they were like family and family came first with me…always.

We were on our way from the mall when she casually brought it up.

"So…I met someone."

"Yeah? I met someone too, what's your point?"

'No silly, like a guy that I like."

I smiled at her, "Really?"

"Yeah, his name is Adrian."

"Ok, so you really like him?"

"Yeah, in fact…he's my boyfriend."

I swerved the car and swore, "You had to drop that bomb while I was driving!"

"Sorry! How was I s'posed to know you'd kill us!"

I rolled my eyes at her before smiling again, "So where did you meet him?"

"Well, I was lounging by my grandparents pool and I closed my yes for a second when I opened them again there he was, shirtless cleaning my pool!"

"That is so Desperate Housewives," I laughed.

"Anyway, my eyes nearly fell out of my head and then he cracked joke then I laughed, then he asked me on a date and we dated til I had to come back."

"I'm so happy for you!" I squealed, "So is it a long distance relationship?"

"Ok, best part…he lives here!"

"He lives here!"

"Yeah but he goes to that boarding school."

"Well, this is turning out great for you!"

"I know, can you believe it?" she sighed dreamily as I cracked another smile, "You could have a boyfriend too."

"I don't think so, I'm not even pretty."

"I'm gonna kill the dick who did this to you! There is nothing wrong with you ok?"

"Sure," I agreed to keep the peace. She sighed before recapturing the dreamy look she'd had before.

I loved seeing my friends happy, it made me happy. I pulled up at her front door and waved at her mom who was watching through the window.

"They are going to love you," I told her while giving her one last hug.

"Thanks, I'll call you when they leave."

She gave me a small smile before jumping out of my car and running into the house. I waved at her mom one last time before making my way home. On the way there I contemplated what to do with myself. I couldn't call Mason because he was grounded or something along those lines. I couldn't call Tommy because he was spending some time getting reacquainted with his X-box and my mom was probably locked in her studio by now judging from her absence at breakfast. I parked my car in the garage and made my way towards my mom's studio where I knew she'd be.

"Mom?" I called out as I walked into the house.

"Studio!" was what came back I smiled at how well I knew my mother.

I walked in to find the floor littered with paper, some of it was scrunched up into balls and the others had designs on them and were just lying on the floor. My mother was sitting at her desk rapidly moving her pencil over her sheet of paper. I picked up one of the sheets of paper and studied the design.

"New clothing line?" I asked curiously.

"Yup…evening wear."

"Ok, have you eaten?"


"Food, have you eaten food?" I tried again. When my mother was designing she often forgot to eat among other things.

"Sure," she replied without even looking up.

I sighed and shook my head knowingly. I knew that she probably hadn't eaten and even if I brought her the food it would remain untouched until her moment of inspiration had passed. I walked out of her studio and towards my own room, I flopped on my bed and let out a disgruntled sigh. What was I going to do? I briefly considered calling James but dismissed the thought just as quickly. I could do something by myself, I didn't need anyone to have fun! I busied myself by making some microwave popcorn before putting on some pajamas with my favourite fuzzy socks before settling down to watch 'Something Borrowed'….I was really into the movie before my thoughts started drifting elsewhere. Mason, did I really like him in that way or had I been watching way too many romantic movies? I didn't want to get hurt again and harboring feelings that Mason surely would not reciprocate would only do just that. We could only be friends and that was fine. I was fine with that…wasn't I? 

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