Part Twenty-Two

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The morning after. Lydia stayed up the most of the night thinking about whether she should go or not. She didn't fall asleep until three in the morning but it didn't last long. Her eyes were wide open again at four thirty in the morning. Eventually, Lydia got tired of tossing and turning and she got up and dressed. Making sure that she was quiet, she sneaked out her house and pulled out her driveway. She knew where she was going, Lydia couldn't stop thinking about his whole speech. On why he said the things he said to her and why he was so angry about her decision to leave. She was tired of not knowing and she needed answers.


Stiles couldn't believe that she wasn't going to stay. He was glad that his dad had the night shift, that way he would hear all the things being thrown at his door. Stiles was hurt from the words that Lydia told him earlier that day and he felt even more pain when she said that she was still leaving. He hated Malia but he hated himself more. He hated that he didn't tell her the real reason why she shouldn't go and he hated how he left her. Stiles attempted to fall asleep but he never did. His eyes burned when he blinked due to him being tired and all the crying but no matter how hard he tried. He couldn't.

Stiles spent the last two hours staring at his ceiling and was confused when he heard a car pull up his driveway. The headlights beamed in his room and he just assumed his dad was home. He put his head back to his pillow and was startled when he heard his doorbell ring. He shot his body of his bed and looked out the window secretive to see who was at his house at four forty in the morning. It was to dark to see and when the doorbell rang again he jumped. Stiles started to slowly make his way downstairs with his baseball bat and he could hear his barefoot thump against the wood flooring. He reached for the door handle and held his bat tighter. When he swung the door open and was just about to swing when he spotted strawberry blonde hair.

"Stiles what the hell are you doing!?" Lydia screamed scared and she ducked.

"Fuck Lydia. It's just you." He placed his hand over his heart and let out the breath he was holding. He put his baseball bat down and Lydia stood back up to her full height. Once their breathing was back, Stiles looked at her confused. "What are you doing here?"

"I needed to talk to you" her voice soft and shy. Stiles nodded his head and gestured her to come inside because it was freezing out. When he shut the door behind her, the temperature felt like 100 degrees as the room filled with tension. Lydia turned back to him, crossing her arms as she still had the chills and she looked down to her feet.

"Wh..what you want to talk ab..about?"

Lydia sighed and looked him dead in the eyes. "Why? Why did you say those things to me Stiles?" Getting tired of not knowing.

"What things?" He knew exactly what she was talking about and she gave him that look.

"Oh you know the whole..I care about you speech that you gave me." Voice filling with sarcasm.

Stiles squinted at her and furrowed his eyebrows. "I wasn't lying about that Lydia. Believe it or not I actually do care about you."

"But why did you tell me those things Stiles. Now I'm all confused." She was aggravated.

"Confused? How are you confused?"

"How am I confused?!" She shouted at him like if he was an idiot. "I'm confused because you tell me things like that and I can't help but feel something for you. Things I don't want to feel Stiles." Stiles took a minute to process it and once he did, he took three steps closer to her. Causing her to get nervous.

"What are you feeling Lydia?" Wanting the truth and licking his lips.

Lydia cleared her throat and looked him straight in the eyes. "I'm falling for you, you dumbass".

Stiles couldn't hide the smile that formed on his face and butterflies were flying all over his body. He just stayed there, looking at her forest green eyes and wanting so bad to just kiss her.

"I'm falling for you just like I did in the freaking third grade and..." She stopped talking and had to look away from him. He hasn't said anything and she got scared so she looked back down to the floor.

"And what Lyds?" He was soft spoken and tender. He picked her chin back up to look at him.

"And it kills me not knowing how you feel for me." She became shy and nervous all over again.

Stiles placed his hands at both sides of her neck, thumbs resting on her cheeks, and he leaned in closer to her. Lips almost touching. "I thought you were a genius Lydia." He chuckled a bit before closing the gap between them and catching her lips with his. It was sweet and they both gave it all they had into that one kiss. Lydia's hand held him at his waist and his were getting tangled up in her hair.

He missed her.

She missed him.

Stiles parted from her slowly and she whimpered. Wanting more and more of him.

"Of course I like you Lydia." He whispered to her and rested his forehead against hers. Eyes were closed and for them, the moment was perfect.

"Really?" A little smile appeared on her swollen lips.

"Really." He repeated and pulled her into a hug. "I haves ever since kindergarten Lyds.." He said as they pulled apart and she wanted to jump up and down and clap her hands. But she contained her self and settled for a wide smile. Stiles loved seeing her smile. It warmed it heart but he thought if she was still going to leave him. He grabbed her hands and looked down. "Are you still leaving?" He mumbled.

"Stiles..." His heart sank and he sighed deeply. Closing his eyes and trying to not let tears fall down. "..I'm not leaving you." He looked at her surprised at her response and smiled. His eyes sparked and everything in him was jumping.

"Thank god" he said and leaned in to kiss her again. They spent the next hour making out and when the sun rose, Lydia realized she had to get home.

"No don't go." He whined like a little boy.

"Stiles I have to. My mom is going to be pissed." She chuckled trying to get away from his grip on her waist.

"Fine. I'll see you at school then." He said in between each kiss he gave her on her cheek and neck. Causing her to giggle.

"Yes Stiles. I'll be there." She finally got out his grip and gave him one last kiss before she left.

They didn't think their night would turn out like this, but they were glad it did.

Alright guys if y'all couldn't tell, this fanfiction kinda died out and I don't know how to continue it. So I'm leaving you guys with happy Stydia. I know, it was super rushed.
-Minna 😘

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2017 ⏰

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