Part Three

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It was Tuesday morning. Exactly 8:03 and the bell already rang. Lydia of course was running a tad late and barely found parking by the time the first bell rang. She entered the school and the halls were already empty. 'Note to self. Wake up when your alarm goes of Lydia' she thought to herself as she rushed to her locker and opened it. She was a little gittery and shaky as her anxiety was kicking in for no apparent reason, causing her to drop her papers once again.

"Fuck!" She whispered. She bent down and started gathering her papers and heard the tardy bell ring. 'Dammit'. Hearing the bell she decided that guess she was already late, might as well take her time. She stuffed her papers back in her locker and remembered that Stiles had her calculus notebook. Which explained why she couldn't find it. She sighed and shut her eyes before closing her locker and walking to first period.

The door opened and everyone looked and starred at her. She immediately felt her legs go weak and felt like fainting. Her heart beat increased and she breathed in more heavily now. 'No no no no no not now Lydia. Calm your self and just start walking to your chair." She thought to herself and put her head down, looking at the floor, and walked to her seat.

"Nice of you to join us Ms. Martin" the teacher said and returned to her lesson.  She looked back up and saw that Stiles was still staring at her.

"You okay?" He whispered and she nodded to him.

"Can I get my notebook back?" Pointing to it on his desk. He grabbed it and handed it to her.

"Stilinski turn your head and pay attention to the board" Stiles face turned a little red and apologized before Ms. Smith resumed to her lesson once again. The next hour went by too slow for Lydia. She was still anxious and it was noticeable. Her leg was shaking up and down going about what seemed like 10mph and the tapping she did with her fingers against the desk was driving Stiles insane. He looked back at her and noticed that she was looking at the clock nonstop.

"Lydia calm down" leaning over for her to hear him better. She shut her eyes and tucked her lips between her teeth. 'Don't you think I'm trying' she thought to herself only. Not trying to be rude. The bell eventually rang and Lydia bolted out of there faster than Stiles could stand up. He gathered his stuff and walked quickly after her. All the kids crowding together didn't help his view of her, but he eventually saw her enter a janitors closet. 'Why did she just go in a janitors closet'. The kids started to disappear one by one as they entered their next class and Stiles walked over and stood in front of the closet that Lydia was in. He placed his hand on the nob and slowly turned it pulling the door towards him just enough for him to enter. Lydia was sitting, back against the wall with her head in between her hands. She looked up as she heard the door click shut and looked at Stiles, who immediately dropped everything and sat in front of her. Her breathing was heavy and her hands were shaking. Tears were coming down her cheeks and she was hyperventilating with her knees pressed against her chest.

"Lydia. Lydia what's wrong?" His voice was hurried and worried. Putting his hands at either sides of her face and raising it to look at him. "Lydia look at me okay. Look at me" he whispered to her. He could practically hear her heart beat beating rapidly.

"St...sti..." she couldn't talk. She couldn't even breath.

"You're having a panic attack. I know...I used to get them." Eyes fixed on hers not allowing her to look away. "You need to slow your breathing okay. Think about happy things...good things." She nodded but nothing was helping her. "" she shot him a look that reminded him of her life. Everyone knew that Lydia didn't have friends and from what she told him yesterday about her family. She doesn't have much of that either. "uhh I mean...anything that makes you feel safe and happy." He corrected himself.

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