Part Six

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It's was about 5:45 and Lydia needed to get ready for her day with Allison. Knowing that there was a chance see might see Alex, she wore her black jeans and a long sleeve knit sweater that was baby blue. Covering as much skin as possible, even though it was mid April. Putting on her black ankle boots and grabbing her keys, she left her house.

The girls decided to meet up at the mall food court. Lydia was scanning the room before she saw Allison eating a corn dog and scrolling on her phone.

"Hey Allison!" Lydia said walking up from behind her and Allison turned in her seat to see her.

"Hi Lydia!" Putting down her corn dog and smiling at her. Lydia sat down in the seat in front of her and they had small chit chat before they headed towards Hollister. The only store that fit Lydia's height perfectly when it came to jeans. "I just want to say sorry about my brother. He's an ass" she said looking at a shirt.

"It's fine. Don't worry about it"

"Really because my brother always ends up dating my friends and then he breaks their heart. Causing them to never speak to me again."

"Trust me Ally. I will never in a million years date your brother." Reassuring her and Allison smiles and nod.

"Speaking of boys..." looking to her and hanging a shirt over Lydia's body. Trying to see if the shirt she picked will go good with Lydia. "Do you have one?"

"What! No!"

"What about that really cute guy that I met yesterday. What was his name?" She starts snapping her fingers repeatedly as if that would help her think faster. " umm"

"Stiles." Lydia says a little annoyed that Allison didn't remember his name. Putting a shirt back on the rack.

"Yes him!" She points to her. "What about Stiles? He didn't seem to happy that Alex was flirting with you."

"What? Stiles is just my friend." Sure they had one kiss, one steamy make out session and one almost kiss that could have lead to another steamy make out session. Lydia thought to herself but went back to the idea that they were just friends and that was all.

"Sureeeeeeee" Allison said teasing her and Lydia rolls her eyes.

"What about you? Any boys that caught your eye yet?" Lydia flips the topic to her.

"Well since you and Stiles are just friends. I was thinking that..."

'Oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no' Lydia thought to herself repeatedly and tried to stay calm as Allison finished her sentence.

"...maybe me and him could you know go out sometime." Lydia didn't know how to respond to that. "You think you can ask him for me?" She turns to look at her directly in the eye. Lydia could tell that Allison really wanted this and she couldn't say no to her new friend because she didn't want it to get ruined so fast. Lydia wanted to say no but she knew that she had no good excuse to. She didn't want to admit that she was jealous and convinced herself that she didn't want to be third wheeling her two new friends. Knowing that was the stupidest excuse ever. Eventually Lydia nodded.

"Yeah sure. But just letting you know he just got out of a relationship and his ex is still in love with him so watch out." She warned her about Malia. Thinking that it would change her mind.

"Yeah like I am so terrified of a seventeen year old girl" she said sarcastically.

"No Allison seriously. She is a real bitch and would continue to hurt you if you cross her." Looking at her dead in the eye. "Trust me. I've been on her hit list since the fifth grade" she jokes easing the tension.

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