Part Eleven

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It was finally the weekend, which meant that Lydia could finally sleep in. No more waking up at six a.m and it felt good to not hear her alarm screaming at her to wake up. She was enjoying it. It wasn't until her phone beeped at eleven when Lydia opened her eyes. It took time to adjust to the sun that was entering her room through her curtains, but she got there eventually.

"Hey Hun, I'm just checking in to see how you're doing."

"Hey momma. I'm okay but I would be better if you didn't leave out of nowhere." Yes Lydia was hurt that her mom keeps leaving her.

"Don't be like that sweetie. You know I love you and I would do anything to be there with you"

"Then why aren't you" Lydia wasn't mad, she was pissed. Her mom didn't respond to her which left Lydia frustrated. She swung her legs off her bed and walked to her bathroom to empty her bladder and brush her teeth. Once she looked in the mirror, she noticed some dry tear marks. She hated that her mom would leave and that her dad was never around. She doesn't even think he remembers what she looks like. She hated the feeling of being completely alone. Lydia felt empty at this point. She washed her face and dried herself with a towel. 'Fucking hate myself'. Eventually Lydia shook off her negative emotions and flopped herself back on her bed and started checking Twitter and Instagram. Didn't take long for her to get bored and decided to make a sandwich.

Lydia took out some bread, ham, lettuce, tomatoes, mayo, and mustard. Her phone beeped again and she was expecting it to be her mom.

"Lydia I need to see you" Lydia took a step back when she saw who is was.


"Please I can't stop thinking about us."

"There is no us Aiden. You ruined that."

"It was a mistake...please talk to me"


Incoming call.

Lydia rolled her eyes and immediately pressed decline. She finished making her sandwich and went upstairs, leaving her phone on silent and on the kitchen counter. She got annoyed at how many times Aiden called in three minutes.

Time has passed and Lydia was reading her book at her desk. She flipped through pages faster than anyone she knew. It was around 2:30 when she heard a knock at her door. She opened her curtain a bit to see who it was and she saw an old blue jeep parked outside. Half her lip smiled while she set her book down and walked real quick downstairs to open her door.

"Hey" he was chirpy this morning. This time he stepped inside without having Lydia to motion him to.

"What you doing here?"

"I just wanted to hang." He walked over to the kitchen and opened her refrigerator like if he lived here. She looked at him and tilted her head.

"Yeah no help yourself Stilinski" he looked back up to her a little embarrassed.

"Sorry I didn-"

"I'm joking." She chuckled. "Mi casa es  su casa" she sat on the counter next to where he was standing with her milk gallon and cereal. He smiled and set his bowl down.

"I see you've been productive today" noticing that she was still in her sleep wear.

"Being productive isn't something you do when you A) have no friends and B) have no family to hang with." Stiles couldn't help but notice the slight sadness in her voice when she mentioned her family and gave her a pity look. She caught it and she didn't like it. "Don't look at me like that. I'm fine" he nodded to avoid an argument and continued to eat his cereal.

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