26| Hurt

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Along with the pain in her abdomen – the pain in her back – Maria thought the ache in her heart was more profound

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Along with the pain in her abdomen – the pain in her back – Maria thought the ache in her heart was more profound. She felt her heart stop for a brief second and she felt as her limbs go numb, eyes focused on what was before her.

     Samuel pushed a bleeding Leon to the side, who was clutching his stomach and was now moonlight pale. His face seemed strained, stoic, unbearable pain rippling through a body he thought was failing him.

      "Leon!" Maria screamed after realizing he was the one who got shot. Without thinking about the fact that Sam was now pointing the gun at her, she dashed to his side and as Sam's finger pressed the bullet to fire a metallic load of hurt, he was stopped when a another gunshot rang out, the bullet meeting his chest where it tore through flesh and instantly stopped his heart.

    The gun immediately fell from Julia's trembling hands when the task was done and when she realized she unhesitatingly killed a man. She held no regrets for her actions because she knew it was either him or her daughter and no fool could have asked her to choose.

    "Leon, baby, answer me– look at me," Maria pleaded softly, using her hands to caress the clamminess of his pale face.

Sadness was in his eyes, along with the love he felt for her. But while he laid there, feeling like the life was leaving his body, his focus was not on the pain, but how he would miss out on a lifetime with her. His Maria, who he had found after years of misunderstanding; he had never stopped loving her, even when he had told himself otherwise. And if fate was to take him from her, he knew he would love her in the grave.

He felt a hand pressing on his wound, he felt the vigor in them, daring him to stay awake. He heard her faint words, telling him to stay awake for her. She held hope in her voice and Leon wanted to hold on to it – he didn't want to make her sad. He wanted to wake with his Maria beside him, looking like his angel– his God sent.

     "Ahh!" Maria exclaimed as pain sliced it's way through her body.

Her hand slipped away from his wound as she clutched her stomach, Julia screaming her name before Maria fell beside Leon on the floor, darkness the only thing she could make sight of.



      "Do you believe in fate, hon?" Maria had asked one day when she was wrapped in Leon's arms at the cabin.

Leon smiled. "Of course. It is what brought us back together," he replied softly, gently kissing the top of her head.

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