12|Hello's & Goodbye's

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Sam gazed upon the woman who stood before him

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Sam gazed upon the woman who stood before him. The resemblance she had to Maria was undeniable, except for the jet black hair and added piercings. Maria had rarely spoke of her, but knowing that she had a twin who she disliked, was all Sam needed to execute his plan.
This woman standing before him was a hothead and a flirt. Sam saw the way she was eye balling him deviously. He had seen the way her blue eyes twinkled with mischief upon introducing himself. Sam smiled at her grin.

"Well, isn't this a pleasant surprise," Marianne expelled heartily, moving to the side. "Come in."

Sam smiled briefly as he entered, his eyes suddenly roaming over the entire interior of the white walled house. His eyes stopped on Marianne who closed the door and came around to face him.

"I'm Marianne Chandler by the way," she introduced, sticking out a hand.

Sam took it and gently shook. "It's a pleasure," he replied gentlemanly.

With her hand still in his, Marianne took a moment to thoroughly examine the guy. Except for the small bandage that he sported on his head, Marianne found him flawless. Piercing steely blue eyes, ashy blonde hair, a protruding nose and a stubborn chin- supported by an athletic build. She always wondered how her plain sister was able to get herself such beautiful men.

Her mouth twisted begrudgingly as she cast her eyes away from Sam. "So, what brings you here, and where is my sister?" She questioned as she moved towards the sofa.

Sam's face slightly fell at the question. The last thing he needed was a prying woman. "I heard from the grapevine that you were back in town," Sam said, knowing that the 'grapevine' he was referring to was her mother.

While he had been momentarily blacked out on Maria's living room floor, he had received a call from Julia, who hinted that Marianne was back. She wanted them to have dinner- all four of them- to celebrate new beginnings over a freshly cooked meal. And of course, Sam had wondered why Julia hadn't called Maria to tell her all that, but upon further contemplation, he was glad she didn't because he would use the opportunity to meet with her 'evil twin' beforehand... And alone.

"Samuel," he heard his name being called repeatedly before he snapped out of his faze. He glanced upon the face of an enigmatic Marianne, who was eyeing him suspiciously.

"I'm sorry," he smiled. "I was lost in thought."

"Can I get you something to drink?" She asked, already moving towards the kitchen. "Water, beer, soda..?"

"A glass of water would be fine, thanks," he exclaimed loud enough for her to hear.

As Samuel moved towards the sofa to take a seat, his head started throbbing again, and he was forced to remember what the bitch, Maria, had done to him. He hissed suddenly, his veins pulsing with anger as a wave of disappointment flashed through him. He was disappointed in himself for letting her escape him so easily, for having the upper hand in the fight he thought he should have won. He should have taught her a lesson– a permanent one that would have her in the hospital bed for months or possibly in the morgue.

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