09|A Threat

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Leon stood in utter shock from Maria's proclamation

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Leon stood in utter shock from
Maria's proclamation. The words she spoke repeatedly resonated in his head, but still he was mind boggled by confusion.

Staring down at Maria, he swallowed, seeing the devastated state she was in. He gritted his teeth,thinking of who would dare to harm her.

"Maria, who did this to you? Who are you talking about?" Leon asked,in a desperate plea for answers.

She spared a glance at him, her body still trembling from the tears. "S-Sam", she choked out brokenly.

Leon's eyes widened at her reply. He found it hard to believe that what she was saying was the truth.

"Sam?" he asked, just to make sure he had heard correctly.

She nodded and Leon clenched his teeth, feeling the fire fueling within his veins.

"Come with me," he exclaimed softly, holding her by the shoulders to usher her towards his car.

"No!" she expelled fearfully, stiffening her body. "I c-cant," she cried, looking around her as she hugged her shoulders.

Leon's heart tightened as he watched the fear and shock that consumed her. She was possibly traumatized.

"Maria honey, it will be OK. I won't harm you. I just want to help you," he exclaimed soothingly, placing a reassuring hand on her tensed shoulders.

She flinched, but she did not brush him off. Slowly, Leon held her hands and led her to his car.


"What happened?" he asked urgently, as soon as they were both seated inside.

She looked straight ahead, unblinkingly and Leon knew she was reliving the moment. "H-He found out I was at the hotel with you...I- I don't know how he did.." she exclaimed shakily, trailing off as she tightly closed her eyes. "He accused me of having an affair with you and then he h-hit me", she sniffed. "I think he was trying to kill me, but I couldn't - I had to fight so when I got the opportunity, I hit him in the head with a lamp..and then I ran," she explained before breaking down in tears.

Leon gritted his teeth in anger towards Sam. He had thought the man was a sophisticated nerd, but he seemed to be mistaken. Reaching for Maria, Leon held her in his arms and allowed her to sob against his chest. As she sobbed, he was reminded of the times when her menstrual pains were too strong for her to bear, and so he'd always hold her into his arms while she cried herself to sleep.

In that moment, Leon had long forgotten the hatred he held in himself for the woman. He had long forgotten his blackmail, because comforting Maria was currently his number one priority.

When her sobbing subsided, and Leon's shoulder was soaked with her tears, Maria eased up and used her hand to wipe her face.

"I don't know what to do," she sniffed, staring at Leon through puffy eyes.

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