18|My baby could be hurt

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An hour later, Leon and Maria had already boarded his private jet

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An hour later, Leon and Maria had already boarded his private jet. Maria was fascinated with with the decor of the lavish interior that spoke of the affluence that went into furnishing such a beautiful transport. Polished mahogany furniture complimented by a soft creme color that was used for the walls. Light softly lit the inside, reflecting the refreshing atmosphere.

Seeing the way Maria was captivated by the jet, Leon couldn't help but smile – satisfied that she liked what she saw. They sat by the window, on a sofa at opposite ends, both wanting to see the nights sky – Maria's eyes strained on the outside, while Leon sat watching her with admiration.

      "Would you like something to drink?" He broke the silence with a tone as rich as himself.

Maria turned to look at him, smiling faintly, while replying, "No thank you, I'm fine," she reassured once again looking on the outside.

It wasn't that she was completely captivated by the darkness she was staring into, but she got the chance to think about some things and the darkness of the scenery was proving to be a good head clearer.
     Leon found the silence awkward; he wanted to talk with her about what laid ahead or even anything for that matter, but he was not at all enjoying the unnerving silence. He however, understood that Maria might have needed the time to compose herself and free her mind of the trials the days had presented.

      "What will we do once we get there?" she asked finally, still looking on the outside.

     Leon swallowed. "I was planning on visiting my parents before heading up to the cabin," he informed softly.

Maria looked at him. "Your parents?" she asked, wanting clarification to the words that seemed unreal.

     "Yes," he replied. "Is everything OK?"

   She had read somewhere in the papers about a year ago that the Oakley's were getting a divorce. Apparently, Sean Oakley was having an affair with a younger woman and was caught in the act. Maria had thought it to be pitiful; she had met them once while she was with Leon, and at the time Maria had thought they were the perfect couple and had hoped she and Leon's relationship would be just as beautiful. But it seemed beauty was quite illusive.

     "Maria." Leon's concerned tone came, pulling Maria from her thoughts.

Her head snapped up to meet his gaze. "Yeah?" She asked with questioning brows, after which rubbing her forehead. "Oh sorry, I was just lost in thought."

     "You OK?" he asked, his eyes searching her face.

She briskly nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine," she said, a thought suddenly occurring to her. "Damn! I need to call my boss," she said when she remembered her actual job and the fact that she had left everything behind without thinking everything through.

      As soon as she was about to get up, Leon's voice put her to a halt.

       "It's already taken care of."

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