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             Maria had to admit the pounding in her chest was from the result of a heart that was fearful as well as it was anxious

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             Maria had to admit the pounding in her chest was from the result of a heart that was fearful as well as it was anxious. She glanced at Leon and was surprised to see that he was displaying a rather calm and collected demeanor. After the information she had been fed just a minute ago, she was still a bit shaky and not at all composed.

She swallowed hard, thinking that just maybe she was blowing things out of proportion and making everything more than it was.

      "Who is it?" she questioned Leon and just as he was about to reply, a voice on the outside prevented him from doing so.

      "Room service!" A politely cool person exclaimed.

Maria swallowed the lump that had seemingly been stuck in her throat. As relief  coursed through her body and killed the tension in her limbs, she closed her eyes to revel in the feeling.

Leon turned to her, a sheepish smile parting his lips. "I forgot," he explained. "I ordered room service earlier; I thought you might be hungry."

Without waiting on a reply from Maria, he was already strolling towards the door to attend to the steward. Maria silently watched as the man pushed in a cart with goodies, still maintaining a smile on his boyish face. Leon thanked him before reaching into his pocket and tipping the man a twenty dollar bill. He smiled enthusiastically, gave a curt nod and left the room.

Leon turned with a small smile on his face, his eyes roaming admirably over Maria, who stood in the center of the room hugging her shoulders.

     "I ordered grilled lamb chops and potatoes– I wasn't sure if it was still your favorite, but I took a chance," he shrugged, anticipating a reaction from her.

Maria couldn't help but smile, finding his gesture adorable. She'd never thought she would see this side of him ever again and it surprised as well as reminded her of how he was years ago when they had met.

She smiled. "It is, thank you," she supplied softly, watching the pearly white smile that he gave in return.

     They ate in companionable silence for awhile, Leon watching from under his eyes as Maria ate, satisfaction imprinted on her features. He had always admired her love for food; she was never once hesitant or afraid of calories like some women were.
     The subject of California often wanted to resurface for an answer but Leon found himself hesitating even at times when his mouth opened– but he had quickly clamped it shut. Maria suddenly glanced at him, finding him staring at her, and instantly, a blush warmed her cheeks as she paused.

      "What?" She questioned, placing her fork down and using the napkin to dab her mouth.

    Leon sighed lightly, taking a sip of the chilled water to somehow lubricate what he wanted to say. He looked into her eyes, not wanting to lose eye contact when he said what he had to.

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