14|All you women are the same

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        Hannah thoughtfully tapped the phone against her chin as she began to pace the room back and forth, contemplating on her choices

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        Hannah thoughtfully tapped the phone against her chin as she began to pace the room back and forth, contemplating on her choices. Maybe she did a wrong thing by calling Sam; after all, Maria was her best friend...but she loved Sam.

    "Damn!" she hissed, feeling as if everything had gone out of control.

She loved Sam, but her 'best friend' didn't know that. No one knew except the victims of the affair...An affair that was ongoing a few months ago.

   Hannah hissed, raking her fingers frustratingly through her hair, contemplating on whether or not she was doing the right thing. Maria had been her friend for almost a decade; she loved her but made her love for Sam blind side her.
   She never considered Sam the abusive type, in fact, it had come as a shock to her when Maria told her about what happened and even more so when Sam confirmed it. Judging by the bruises on her face, Hannah could tell that it wasn't just a slap to the face. And when realization of what Sam would do if he caught Maria there, dawned, a feeling of panic overcame Hannah's body.

He would probably hurt her even more.

    It was until a tear slipped from her eyes, did Hannah realize she was crying. Angrily, she brushed them from her face and slammed the phone to the table before stomping purposely into the room Maria was in.

She found her on the couch, staring blankly through the window with the still faint bruises on her face. Hannah's heart tightened, but she swallowed, cleared her throat and prepare herself for what was to come.

     "You've gotta leave here," she whispered firmly, seeing the way Maria slowly turn with confusion etched on her face.


      "I'm sorry," Hannah interrupted, hugging her shoulders and holding back the tears.

Maria's brows furrowed.

     "Han, what are you talking about?" she asked as she rose from the couch and in the direction of her friend, not having the slightest idea of what she was speaking of.

Hannah took a step back. "Samuel is on his way here. You've got to leave," she explained, a tear escaping her eyes.

Maria froze, her eyes widening with the information. "How–"

      "I told him you were here," Hannah admitted disjointedly, averting her gaze from Maria.

Maria gasped, suddenly going pale by the news. She opened her mouth to speak, but was too befuddled to utter even a word.

      "I can't explain everything now but you've got to get out of here— Go to Leon, he will help you, he will keep you safe..." Hannah trailed off. "I'm sorry for betraying our friendship."

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