16|More to the man

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     Samuel shook his knee and nibbled a fingernail in anticipation as he eagerly awaited for the person on the other end to pick up his call. Sweat beaded on his forehead as he narrowly stared ahead, his brows fiercely narrowed beneath cold blue eyes.

     "Damn!" He hissed, throwing the phone over the dashboard and slamming his hands against the wheel.

Marianne slightly flinched. "Still no luck?" She questioned lazily.

Sam gritted his teeth. "She's not picking up her fûcking phone!" He exclaimed, referring to the person he had hoped would give him information about Leon and Maria.

Marianne shook her head and watched as Sam's eyes began to blankly search the area.

       "Why are you so fixated on finding Maria anyway?" She questioned, turning in her seat to carefully scrutinize him.

The muscles worked up in Samuel's jaw. "She cheated on me. No one cheats me and gets away with it," he said deadly slow.

     "But you cheated too," Marianne pointed out.

Sam cast her a look that was so deadly, Marianne swallowed.

        "She said she loved me but at the same time she was spreading her legs for another man," he calmly said, saying the words with such force that one would think it pained him. "No one does that to me!" He growled.

     Marianne jumped. "Hey hey, calm down buster."

    "Don't. Tell me what to do," he hissed. "She turned me into the man I thought died years ago. And she will pay for doing it."

Marianne was frightened as well as she was confused. "What man– who the fûck died?"

Sam ran a hand across his face. "I thought that side of me was gone when I met her..." He swiped a hand across his mouth. "She forced me to become that person again. Damn!" He slammed his hand angrily against the staring wheel, while he slowly turned to Marianne.

      "Your sister will pay for betraying me. She will pay and the price will be blood."

His eyes did not betray his words, they had the same conviction each syllable possessed.

Marianne watched the fire that raged in the eyes, the raw need for revenge and the desire to satiate a need to fulfill the action of the words his mouth had spoken. She contemplated on her option to side with this man, but then begrudgingly, she was reminded of her own goal. To see her sister fall to her knees, because in her eyes, Maria had been everyone's favorite, being the girl who got all the attention and love, while she....She had only been the misfortune arrived from twin birth. She was always the odd one out, the mistake, the one no one loved, but she planned on changing things and the first step would be:       

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