Zip It

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A/N The link of the episode Zip It is in the comments so if you haven't seen it check it out!💕💕 Later my Bionic Besties!✌✌💋💋

"Come on Bree and Dani we're going home now. Time to get your things out of your lockers." Chase said. "Yea, it's not like we're waiting for you guys to open your lockers." Adam said and I raised my eyebrow suspiciously at him. "I mean, open it." Adam said. "Will you leave us alone can Dani and I go two minutes without you two hovering around us?!" Bree said annoyed. "Actually it's mostly Adam. Seriously I don't need a second shadow!" I said annoyed too.

"Bree, Dani with an attitude like that no wonder you don't get pranked more often." Adam said, then Chase smacked his arm and I rolled my eyes at Adam and they left. "Hey Bree and Dani you know how you guys said that you both wanted to work a part time job with me?" Kaitlyn asked. "We never said that." I said. "Just agree with me it will be over quicker." She said. "Any way today is your lucky day because I just started my work study at tech town and they're hiring." Kaitlyn said. "What's tech town?" Bree asked and I nodded and she gasped.

"Only the most awsome store in the mall, they make you work weekends but what do you two have going on anyway." Kaitlyn said. "I don't know if I want to work at an electroinic store." I said and Bree and I were about to open our lockers when our fingers got stuck were pulling but they were....glued and Adam was taking pictures of us. "Seriously glue?!" I asked annoyed. "That's quite a sticky situation you two got there." Chase said.

"You know what Kaitlyn if it gets me away from Adam's stupid pranks I'm in." I said. "Yea and I would take a job as a lifeguard at a sewage plant just to get away from my two brothers." Bree said. "So you guys are in?" Kaitlyn asked. "Yeah." Bree and I said at the same time. "Great see you at the store. Oh and tech town is a classy place so leave the sewer talk at school."

Kaitlyn said while walking away. "Hey dip wods how do we get our hands loose?" Bree asked. "Mmm not sure but if you figure it out let me know." Adam said while showing us his left hand. It had a sock, duct tape and the glue stuck to it. Typical Adam.


"Congratulations you two are hired." The manager said. "Really?!" Bree said excitedly. "Yea I'm as shocked as you are. The fact that Caitlyn already put you both in the uniform, beat out your complete lack of focus experience heres your tech town name tag." He said handing us our name tags and Bree laughed. "It says Ming." She said, while mine said my name.

"Yea that's the last person I fired didn't know the difference between a flash drive and an SSD." He said while everyone faked laughed. "SS duh!" Caitlyn said and the manager walked away. "I'm so glad you both work here now." Caitlyn said. "Me too I love not being around my stupid brothers it is so liberating." Bree said and I nodded.

"You know what I find liberating now that you two are the newbies I don't have to do the crazy jobs you guys do. Have fun cleaning the bathroom." Caitlyn said while handing Bree a mop and handing me a bucket with cleaning supplies in it. "I thought you said this job was fun." I said. "It is. Now that both of you are here I'm having a blast." Caitlyn said while walking away.

"Hey Bree. Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I asked. "Yes, we use our bionics to clean the bathroom!" Bree said and I high fived her. "Let's do this." I said before we went to the bathroom and started cleaning but since we used our super speed we finished in 5 seconds so we stayed there and talked for 20 minutes before going back so no one would suspect anything.


"We mopped, we swept, and we garantee you the ladies room has never been cleaner." Bree said. "Why do you look so happy about it? You're kinda creeping me out and thats coming from me." Caitlyn said. "Trust me having to clean a workplace toilet is still better than being around my stupid brothers." Bree said. "Hello ladies." Chase said out of no where. "Chase what are you doing here?" Bree asked. "I just came to see what this Tech Town was all about.

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