Ice Skating

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"I got it... I got it... And..."


"Never mind, I guess I don't."

You say to yourself.

You can't ice skate for the love of it. You'd really like to learn how, but then again, you're too shy to ask anyone for help.

You sit there grumpily, until you suddenly decide to stand up, brush it off, and try again!

You set a goal to make it to the other side of the rink without using the wall for help. You start skating and you start to get the hang of it. You're almost there, until someone falls in front of you, causing you to trip over them.

You start falling face first onto the cold, hard ice, until luckily, someone dives, and catches you!

You start panting, but when you catch your breath, you look up and see an attractive guy staring down at you.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asks, while his twinkling brown eyes stare into yours.

"Yeah I'm fine. Thanks for catching me." You say laughing slightly.

"Haha it was no problem. Oh and by the way, sorry. The person who tripped you was my brother Joe Felix." He says laughing and scratching the back of his neck.

"Oh is he okay?" You ask, worried that you might of hurt him.

"Yeah he's fine. He's skating over there." He says, pointing behind you. You turn and see a little boy skating with a girl, who seems to be a bit older than him. Hm, maybe his sister?

"Aw he's so cute!" You say, and you both start laughing. It's only until now, that you realize that you're practically sitting in this guys lap, with his arms around you.

"Oh I'm sorry!" You say blushing, as you stand up and brush yourself off.

"Haha no worries." He says smiling, while standing up.

"I'm not the best skater out there, so don't laugh if you see me trip a couple of times!" You say laughing.

"I can teach you how to skate! It's really easy once you get the hang of it." He says nicely.

"Oh okay, thanks! And by the way, I'm (Y/N)." You say.

"A pretty name, for a pretty girl. I'm Jc." He says with a warm smile. You start blushing like crazy.

"Okay, ready?" He asks. You nod your head, and he takes you by the hand, and intertwines your fingers, locking them together.

"I won't let you go, okay? Trust me." He says as he starts skating slowly. You start wobbling at first, but soon you get the hang of it. After a while, you try to be brave and let go of Jc's hand, but you end up spiraling out of control, and almost falling. You would have fell, if it weren't for Jc catching you again.

"Thanks.. Again." You say laughing.

"Any time." He says laughing also.

You two are sitting next to each other, when suddenly, Jc starts leaning in. Even though you just met him, this just seems right for some reason. The heat from his breath radiates onto your cold lips, heating them up a bit. Soon enough, you feel the plumpness of his lips crash onto yours, and it's like you feel an instant connection.

Slowly, you two separate and stare into each other's eyes. Out of nowhere, a snowflake lands on your nose. You and Jc start laughing.

"Maybe I can get your number and we can come back tomorrow for some more ice skating lessons? No offense, but you kinda need them." Jc jokes.

"Haha, none taken. You're right. And of course you can have my number." You say smiling, as you two exchange phone numbers.

"Alright, well I better go. I'll text you, okay?" Jc says as he stands, and helps you up.

"Okay sounds good." You say smiling.

"Are you gonna be okay making it out of the rink, or do I need to help you?" Jc says with a chuckle.

"I'll manage." You say laughing. You two wave goodbye, and you start shuffling your way over to your shoes. You feel like you're about to fall, but you try to prevent it since Jc isn't here anymore. Suddenly, you feel a pair of strong arms wrap around your waist, and guide you over to your shoes. You turn around and see Jc standing there.

"You looked like you needed some help." He says smiling.

"Thanks, for the third time." You reply.

"You're welcome." He says quietly as he gives you another kiss. The kiss is long and passionate, but broken apart by someone screaming, "EW BOBO'S KISSING A GIRL!!"

"That's my little sister Jaylyn." Jc says laughing.

"I gotta go. I'll see you tomorrow (Y/N)! Try not to slip on your way home." Jc says with a wink.

"I will!" You say laughing.

You two wave goodbye once more, then Jc turns and skates over to his family. You put your shoes on and go home, texting Jc the whole time.


Omfg this literally took me FOREVERRRR. It took like 2 hours. Ugh. But anyways, I've never ice skated before. And guess what? I've never ever worn mittens in my entire life. Not once. Lol that's not even important or relevant but whatever :).

So I hope u guys like it!! And tysm for all of the reads omg I seriously never thought I'd get this far. Ily all <3.

Go read my new book! It's Jc Caylen also! It's called "~Forbidden Love~ (Jc Caylen)" so yea pls go read that for me :).

BUTTTTTTTT dats all I got to sayyyyy fo todayyyyy!!!!! Love y'all sososososooooooo much :)!!!!!

Peace, Sam

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