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"Connor hurry your white ass up." You hear someone say. You turn around, and realize that it was a very attractive guy, wearing a batman beanie. You quickly turn back, and realize that it is your turn to order.

"Hi, how can I help you?" The Starbucks employee says to you.

"Hi, I'll take a grande vanilla bean frap, with a pump of raspberry please!" You tell the employee.

"Okay, that'll be $3.72 please." She tells you. You give her the money.

"Name please?" She asks. "(Y/N)." You tell her, and she writes it on the cup, as she tells you to go in the waiting area.

You are standing there, waiting patiently, as you notice the guy in the beanie from earlier approaching you.

"Hey. I'm Jc." He says to you with a smile.

"Hi, I'm--" before you can answer, a lady cuts you off, and calls your name. You thank her and grab your drink.

"Haha, so I guess your name is (Y/N) then?" He asks you.

"Haha yeah. It is." You say laughing and taking a sip of your drink.

"Well my friend Connor is being a total white girl and he's taking 50 pictures of his drink.. Soo do you maybe wanna sit with me and talk?" He asks with a hopeful smile.

"Yeah of course." You say, as you follow him to a table.

"JC!! I JUST FOUND THE PERFECT FILTER OMG!!" You hear someone yell across Starbucks. You assume that's Connor.

"Yeah.. That's Connor.." Jc says a little embarrassed.

"Jc I-- oh I see you're busy with a girl.. Wow this is a first." Connor says taking a sip of his drink, acting quite fabulous.

You giggle, and notice Jc blushing. "Shut up Connor." Jc says to him, while looking down at his drink and playing with his straw.

"Whatever. I'll leave you two alone." Connor says with a wink, as he turns to walk away.

"Don't mind him. He can be a total douche sometimes." Jc says to you with a nervous chuckle, as he scratches the back of his neck.

"Hehe, it's ok. He's pretty funny." You say to him. He looks down, somewhat disappointed. "...But I think you're funnier." You say with a smile. You suddenly notice his face light up. He looks at you and says, "Thanks. Connor gets all his jokes from Tumblr anyways.." Jc tells you as he takes a sip from his drink.

You two talk and joke for a few hours.

"Hey, so um, can I get your number? Maybe we can hang out tomorrow or something." Jc asks you, as you two walk out of Starbucks.

"Yeah sure!! I'd love to." You tell him with a warm smile, as you give him your number.

"Thanks, I'll call you." He tells you with a grin.

"Okay. See you around Jc!"

"Bye (Y/N). See you tomorrow!!" He says waving to you.

You two walk out of the door, and go your separate ways, down the street.


Hiiiiii. It's me again. So um can u guys like comment when I should update? I say this every time and no one actually does... Pleaseeee???? :( anywaysss... Can u guys follow me on twitter? It's: @janosftcaylen. Thanksss :) k den. That's all I got to sayyyy for todayyyyyy!!!! Love u alllllll

Peace, Sam

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