New Kid

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Your alarm rings and you wake up and stretch. You just lay there for a moment.

"Welp," you say popping the "p", "today's the day." You say, finishing your sentence.

You stand up and walk over to your bathroom. You get undressed, and hop in the shower. When you get out, you dry off, then walk over to your closet.

You decide to wear some flower print leggings, and a big white sweater that says "Weird Is A Side Affect Of Awesome" on it in big black letters. As for your shoes, you wear some black Doc Martens that have some flowers on them.

You go back into your bathroom and do your hair and makeup. You brush your hair until it looks somewhat okay, and apply some mascara and eyeliner. You put on a little lip gloss, and walk out of the bathroom.

You grab a simple black beanie, and place in on your head. You walk over to a mirror and adjust it so it looks right.

No one is in the house, so you're all alone. You just moved to Texas (sorry if u already live in Texas lol), and it's your first day at school. You're gonna be a senior, so you'll try to go unnoticed and just go through school like its nothing. I mean it's only for a year, right?

You grab your bag and walk out of the door, locking it behind you. You start walking to the bus stop, when sudden thoughts occur.

What if I miss the bus?

What if I'm late?

What if I don't make any friends?

What if I get bullied?

All of these things are running through your mind, until you hear the bus approaching near you. You start to get nervous, as the bus pulls to a stop and the doors open. You slowly step on, and the whole bus is crowded with excited high schoolers, happy to see their friends. All of the seats were taken. You're about to panic, until you hear someone say to you, "Do you wanna sit with me?"

You turn to your left, and see a very attractive boy, who's sitting alone, staring at you.

You think for a bit, then decide to accept his offer. You sit down next to him, and pull out your phone, looking for something to do.

"So are you new?" The guy asks you.

"Yeah, I just moved here about 2 weeks ago." You tell him.

"Oh okay, that's cool." He says with a smile.

You smile and nod at him. You return your attention to your phone.

"So are you a senior?" He asks after a few minutes.

"Yeah. You?" You say.

"Yeah." He says with a smile again.

"Gosh, that smile." You think.

"Are you nervous?" He asks, obviously trying to make conversation with you.

"A little. I don't know where I'm going or anything, so I'll probably get lost." You say with a laugh.

"Haha, I can show you around if you want. I'll go to the office with you when we get to school and help you with your schedule and stuff." He says to you nicely.

"Thanks, but I don't want you to be late for class because of me." You reply with.

"My teachers will understand. I'll just explain to them that I was helping you out." He says, clearly not taking "no" for an answer.

"Okay, thanks! By the way, I'm (Y/N)." You tell him. ((Btw incase u don't know, (Y/N) means "Your Name". For those of u who didn't know :-]))

"I'm Jc." He says warmly.

~*~*~*~*~*Time Pass~*~*~*~*~*

You arrive at school and Jc walks with you to the office. You pick up your schedule, and Jc compares yours to his. Since school started last week, he already has his stuff.

"Wow this is great! You have all of the same classes as me!" Jc tells you excitedly.

You two walk to homeroom together. Your first class after this was English. When you walk through the door, everyone is staring at you. Jc notices you starting to get uncomfortable, and puts his hand on your back and says, "Come with me." You listen to him, and follow him through the classroom.

He leads you to the back of the room, and you two sit down in two empty seats. He gets up, and starts talking to the teacher. You assume it was about you, since he was pointing to your schedule and stuff. The teacher looked over to you, and gave you a smile, which you politely returned.

A few minutes later, homeroom is over, and class is starting. You had class in the same room, since your homeroom teacher was also an English teacher.

For English, you were allowed to pick partners, or work alone. You figured that Jc was gonna work with his friends, so you decide to be by yourself.

As you're writing your name on the paper that was handed out, Jc says, "Hey wanna be partners?"

"Sure, but wouldn't you rather work with your friends?" You ask, curious as to why he would choose you over them.

"You are my friend." He says with a warm smile. You couldn't help but to blush a bit.

For the assignment you got, you were supposed to come up with a song. The topic you were assigned was a love song. You had to work at each other's houses, so you and Jc exchanged numbers and stuff. After school, you went over to Jc's house to write the song.

When you arrive at Jc's house, you both immediately go up to his room. After about an hour, Jc starts playing guitar to figure out the musical part of the song.

"Wow I didn't know you play guitar." You say in awe as you listen to him play.

"Well, there's a lot of things you don't know about me, considering we basically met a few hours ago." He says, and you start laughing.

"Hey can you come here and tell me if these lyrics are good?" You say to Jc.

"Sure." He says as he scoots over to you. He starts reading the words you've written down, and you notice that he is extremely close to you. Then again, it's not like you mind.

"Yeah these are really good!" He says facing you. You turn to face him also, and since he was sitting so close to you, you were now face to face with him.

He stares into your eyes, and slowly, his lips connect with yours. You immediately feel like everything is happening the way it should be.

You kiss for a while, until Jc separates and starts rubbing the back of his neck while blushing, and saying "I'm sorry.. I.. I didn't mean-"

"Jc, don't apologize." You say, cutting him off. He looks up at you, and smiles. He gives you another kiss, and you two start working on your song again.


Hiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!! It's moiiiiiiii..... Sooooo I have a question. Do u guys like when I write long chapters like this, or would u prefer them to be the short ones?? Plsssss comment and let me know. Thanks for 1.6k reads omg just like 2 days ago I only had like 900 like wow u guys r so amazing!!!!!! I love u all :).

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K dats all I got to sayyyyyy fo todayyyyyy!!!!!! Love y'all!!!!!!

Peace, Sam

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