01 - Café

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Sipping my latte, I look at Lily's perfectly brunette hair and blemish free skin. She's talking to me, I'm not actually listening, but I occasionally nod my head in agreement. Most of her conversations with me are about boys or gossip. Sometimes it gets tiring but she's my best friend and I'm obligated to listen to her go on.

"Eunji, are you actually listening to me right now?" Lily interrupts my thought with a hint of annoyance in her voice. I kind of feel bad.

"Yeah course, go on," I reply with upmost sincerity so I hope she believes me.

"Yeah whatever, so I was like this close to getting his number then..." Her worries seemed pointless again as I was thinking about what I was going to do for my next art project due in.

"Lily, I'm just going to order another latte, I'll be right back."

"Ok, I'll wait here."

As I went up to the counter and ordered my drink I glanced over to Lily and noticed her beckoning me back.

"What do you want? I need to go get my order."

"Get me a muffin would you, thanks."

I sighed and walked back up to the counter and ordered her a muffin, staring at my bitten fingernails as I waited for my order numbers to be called.

"Order number 127"

I went up to the counter and smiled as I took my drink, except it wasn't my drink.

"Excuse me, this is the wrong order."

"Whoops, they must have your order then, the guys sat over there"

"Er...okay, I suppose I'll go get it then." I sighed as I turned away from the girl at the counter with terrible attitude. I looked at the group of guys slouched on the sofas in the corner, as if that girl was making me go and get my order that SHE got wrong.

"Erm, excuse me but I think you have my order, they gave me the wrong one," I muttered as I glanced at them, a boy with light brown hair in particular. Why did they have to be so good looking?

"Why are you just stood there?" The guy with the light brown hair said to you as you couldn't help but notice how attractively angled his jawline was.

Whatever, he's so rude. You rolled your eyes involuntarily.

"There's no need to be rude about it Taeyong," said another brown haired boy with dimples as he smiled and exchanged orders with you.

"Thanks very much," you say as you politely smile back and quickly turn around to walk back to Lily. She immediately grabbed you as you sat down.

"Eunji, Eunji, as if you just spoke to them, what the hell were you thinking?"

"Lily, what's the matter, the lady got my order wrong so I had to go get it off them, what's..."

"Eunji, don't you even know who they are?!" Lily screeched into my ear.

"What the hell Lily, who are they?"

"They're NCT! The hottest, richest and meanest guys in school you idiot."



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