Chapter 19 - The Right Choice

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A/N: Hello, lovely readers. This will be the final chapter for James and Cory's story. I hope you've enjoyed it.



James' POV

"Where's the rug?" I ask, seeing Mum's bare floor when I enter the living room.

"Had to have something to wrap the body in. Besides, it was ruined," Robert says with a shrug. Chris is here as well, and he's sitting next to Tom, administering a little liquid medicine from Mum's liquor cabinet. I walk to where Tom is seated, and I see blood splatter on the sofa behind him.

"How are you?" I ask softly. Tom responds by looking at me with a smirk. "Just another day at the office," he says with his owl-wink. I see clouds in his eyes, but they seem to be clearing, which tells me he'll come through this.

"It looks like we'll need to buy Mum a new rug and sofa. You'll take care of that?" I ask Tom, fishing for the money clip in my pocket.

"Actually, I'll take care of it," Cory says, and I turn to see she's joined us in the living room, freshly dressed and looking no worse for wear. We all stare at her in silence, and she's the first to speak, walking toward me as she does.

"I'll say it was a belated birthday present, that the two of you wanted to redecorate a bit for a surprise family holiday here, like you did as kids. You asked me to help because I'm an artist, so I must have good taste." We continue to stare, then she sighs, stopping to stand beside me.

"Besides, it looks like I'm stuck with the lot of you," she says, looking at the assembled group while taking my hand.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Robert asks.

"It means I can't leave James now. Who would protect me from the next Mr. Z?" she says, looking up into my eyes. My heart squeezes at the thought that she wants to leave, much like a caged bird who wants to fly through the heavens.

"Besides... I love him," she says, looking at the group before meeting my gaze again. "I love you," she says, and I squeeze her hand in response.

"I love you, Cory. I'll gladly give my life for you if it comes down to it."  I say, and I think of kissing her before Robert interrupts.

"Right then," he says, turning to Tom. "What did you see happen here if you're ever questioned?"

"Mr. Zmayefski showed up to kill Cory. James was here, but he lost it because he's pussy-whipped," Tom says, causing me to raise my eyebrows at him.

"What? Those aren't my words. Robert told me to say it."

I look at Robert, and he's smirking at me.

"Alright... what else?" I ask.

"Well, that's when Robert arrived and killed Mr. Z himself, then he told you," Tom says, pointing at me, "that he's taking over the business. Except for the interest in the entertainment company that you own. It's not his cup of tea."

"It's not really mine either," I say, looking at Cory who looks positively flummoxed at the course of this conversation.

"I think I want to invest in something smaller... like perhaps an art gallery," I say. Cory's look changes from confusion to happiness at this, and I take her in my arms for a kiss, not caring who's watching for once. 

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