Chapter 15 - Consequences (Part 2)

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A/N: Hello, lovely readers. This is a long chapter with multiple POVs being told. It also contains violence. If you have triggers about shootings, please don't go any further.

As always, comments are welcome. I know this story is a departure from my usual tale, so I'd love to know what you think.


Tom's POV

I screech to a halt in front of James' office building. It's barely past 7:00 am, but I know he'll be here. He's a workaholic like me, after all. I walk with purpose, bypassing his assistant, Barbara, though she calls after me, and I don't bother to knock before I open his office door.

James and Robert look up from paperwork on his desk. Though I've met Robert a time or two, he looks a bit worse for wear on this meeting.

"Bloody hell, Robert. What the fuck happened to you?" I ask upon seeing his broken nose and black eyes.

"It seems I ran into a fist," he says, looking at the paperwork as he shuffles it into a pile and hands it to James who puts  it in a drawer.

"We'll finish this up later then, Boss?" he asks, receiving a nod from James in response.

Robert leaves, closing the door behind him. As he does, I stalk toward James, planting my hands on his desk and leaning over to get in his face.

"What the fuck did you do to Cory Mayer?" I growl. I see James bristle at the mention of her name then the mask comes up. I've seen it before - the cool demeanor James dons to keep our family out of his affairs. Well, not this time.

"I had dinner with her," he says with a shrug.


"And what?" he returns, standing from the desk to match my height.

"Christ, James. You know what I'm talking about!" I say, walking away from him as I rub my neck. "Did you sleep with her?"

"I don't see as that is any of your business," he says from behind me.

"It bloody well is my business!" I say, turning back toward him with fire in my eyes.

"What's wrong, Thomas? Are you upset that I got to her before you?" he asks with a sneer. I ignore his comment, though a bit of truth rings true in his words.

"How could you get involved with her. You know your line of work shouldn't include someone like Cory," I say. We've never discussed what he does, what he really does. It's time we clear the air on that account, though.

"I don't know what you mean," he says, looking away from my glare while he walks around his desk.

"Bollocks that you don't! We all know what you do, at least the nature of it. Do you think Emma and I or even Mum are too blind to see the security you have keeping an eye on us?"

James turns to me then, and he has a shocked look on his face. Shocked and maybe even relieved that his secret's out.

I see my chance to relieve us both of the burden we've been carrying, so I walk toward him, placing my hands on his shoulders.

"James, I'm your brother. Please. For once, tell me the truth."

James' POV

And I do. I tell Tom everything. Hell, if he knows about the security I've put around my family, then he damn sure deserves to know why. He's silent for a bit when I finish my tale, then he finally speaks.

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