Part 10 - Plans (Part 2)

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James' POV

Robert and Chris entered the warehouse a few minutes after my arrival. Though Robert is my right hand man, I also served with Chris in Afghanistan. Robert and I try to blend in with civilians these days, but Chris has gone positively native...if we lived in America. He looks a bit like a California surfer, with tan skin and blond hair, but he's built like a brick shithouse. Plus, while he may come across as less than intelligent, it's an act because he's smart as a whip and extremely talented with his fists. I also trust him with my life just as I do Robert.

"So, how did Mr. Z find you?" Robert asked, pouring himself a cup of coffee from the pot I just brewed.

"He apparently made a connection to me through someone else," I said, not looking Robert in the eye.

"Shit! It's the artist, isn't it?"

I finally looked up, meeting his gaze. "Yes, it is."

Robert slumped in a chair, sipping his coffee while Chris paced.

"So, what are we gonna do, Boss?" Chris finally asked.

"First, I want surveillance posted around Ms. Mayer's apartment. It should be discreet, just as with my family. Chris, I'd like you to take the lead on this."

Robert and Chris shared a look before Robert cleared his throat. "Listen, Boss, I don't mean to question you. It's just, you normally farm these types of jobs out to others in the organization. Even your family doesn't have people of Chris' caliber looking out for them."

I slammed my fist on the table. "Bollocks! Why the fuck are you questioning my decision? Just do as I say, you got it?" I yell.

Again, Chris glanced at Robert who only nodded slightly at him.

"I'm on it, Boss," Chris said. "What's the address?"

I provided him with the information then he was out the door. After he'd gone, I walked to the coffee pot to pour my own cup. When I turned back to face Robert, he was just staring at me.


"Nothing, Boss."

I huffed as I took my seat behind the makeshift desk.

"Is she really worth it?" Robert asked. I looked at him to let him know he was on dangerous ground.

"No, seriously, James. Is she worth it? Because I'd like to know since we're about to royally fuck up a deal that we've worked months, no, more like a year, to pull together, and it's all about to be pissed away. And for what? A woman. So, I'll ask you she worth it?"

I stared at him before responding.

"I'd give my life for her, Robert." Those were words not spoken lightly, and Robert knew it.  He sighed, walking over to the coffee pot to refill his cup.

"Okay. So how do we proceed?" he asked.

Cory's POV

At 7:00 pm, I hear a soft knock at the door. I wonder why no one buzzed me, so I call through the door.

"Who is it?" I ask.

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